Blade Runner Pistol Breakdown and History?


Sr Member
Blade Runner People,

On the RPF, it seems like there are hundreds of histories of weapons and breakdowns of how they made each and every possible movie weapon.

One I have never seen here is a full breakdown and history of the Blade Runner Pistol. How it was made for the movie, who made it, and so on and so forth. While I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere, I thought maybe a new discussion would be good for people like me, and others who have no clue about this awesome little blaster.

So what's the story of the Blade Runner Pistol or Blaster or whatever we call it?

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Re: Blade Runner Blaster Breakdown and History?

there used to be a website that did just that actually. I don't know if it's been lost to the dust of geocities or what, I can't seem to find it again. It basically was about how this guy went through hundreds of gun catalogs to find the parts the prop people made it from. he then built his own and eventually contacted the prop guy that made the original who verified most of the details.

If I recall, the original was made out of a revolver and the stock of a dual trigger shot gun.

The leon gun was a protoype of a gun for off duty officers IRL before semi automatics became widespread.
Re: Blade Runner Blaster Breakdown and History?

Wierd that so many commonly call it a "blaster". :confused
Dirty Harry had a couple large handguns yet they were never called "blasters". :confused

But then again I am confidant on who began the trend.
Re: Blade Runner Blaster Breakdown and History?

The BR blaster mafia is very careful on putting out any info.

Sadly since you posted this thread you will never get the real low-down on this wonderful prop! ;)
Re: Blade Runner Blaster Breakdown and History?

you should cruise by they have a lot of good info regarding the BR blaster.
Re: Blade Runner Blaster Breakdown and History?

Wierd that so many commonly call it a "blaster". :confused
Dirty Harry had a couple large handguns yet they were never called "blasters". :confused

But then again I am confidant on who began the trend.

It's an odd weapon. It isn't clear how it fully functions, if not impossible to explain how it could fully function.
They did ditch that anti flash effect or whatever it was supposed to do
that would have made it futuristic and hence a "blaster" proper I suppose.

Bottom line it looks amazing, extremely unique yet familiar enough with real world weapon parts that there is no mistaking what it can do and despite flaws in mechanical function logic, it looks like it all works... somehow. LOL
Re: Blade Runner Blaster Breakdown and History?

leons gun is the 4 barreled COP Compact Off Duty Police in .357 magnum, I have one,
I've never shot it, I got it pretty cheap along with the case if i remember
Re: Blade Runner Blaster Breakdown and History?

Why is this the case? I can't think of a single time I've asked about a prop and not gotten info, if someone knows the answers.

If you saw how terrible I am at putting props together, you'd realize how I am NOT a threat to anyone!:lol:lol:lol

The BR blaster mafia is very careful on putting out any info.

Sadly since you posted this thread you will never get the real low-down on this wonderful prop! ;)
Re: Blade Runner Blaster Breakdown and History?

Unfortunately the guy that made the actual gun was never named. Before the gun showed up at LA Worldcon in 2006, all most everything about the gun was figured out by Rich and Phil Steinschneider. More reading here...
Blade Runner Blaster Homepage

Since then, much of the info has been both verified, and in some cases disproved.

Here is an old thread here that shows a lot of the controversy surrounding the origins of this gun...

All most all of what we know about the gun has shown up in the last few years. Still the name(s) of the maker(s) is a mystery. Somebody knows, but they aren't talking. ;)

Re: Blade Runner Blaster Breakdown and History?

This may be an obvious question, but why isn't the prop maker listed in the credits. Would the person not be listed somewhere?

Unfortunately the guy that made the actual gun was never named. Before the gun showed up at LA Worldcon in 2006, all most everything about the gun was figured out by Rich and Phil Steinschneider. More reading here...
Blade Runner Blaster Homepage

Since then, much of the info has been both verified, and in some cases disproved.

Here is an old thread here that shows a lot of the controversy surrounding the origins of this gun...

All most all of what we know about the gun has shown up in the last few years. Still the name(s) of the maker(s) is a mystery. Somebody knows, but they aren't talking. ;)

9.99.999.9999% of the time a prop maker is never credited, regarded or thanked. But, the person who gets coffee is. Even worse is when someone else claims credit for doing the work. Watch the making of DVD segment regarding the Zathura board game for a great example.
9.99.999.9999% of the time a prop maker is never credited, regarded or thanked. But, the person who gets coffee is. Even worse is when someone else claims credit for doing the work. Watch the making of DVD segment regarding the Zathura board game for a great example.

Watch George Lucas talk about how he made everything. Always how he designed stuff. He did not do jack. Everyone else made great stuff for him to choose from. Listening to him he made it all. He takes all the credit and no matter how stupid or bad something is he claims that what he was going for.

BTW I have a Rich Coyle BR blaster. IMO best one made. Love the Sid and the New Japan one but I still think Rich's is best. My opinion only.

Everything you could ever want to know about the BR blaster in in the links provided above. By the time your done going through all that you will know more than could have ever wanted.