Blade runner blaster 3d files?


Master Member
Help a brother out! I got a new 3d printer here in the shop, and we want to test it. How about a printed blade runner blaster? In color!
Does anyone have a 3d file of the blaster they can send me?

I'll post pix when it's done!
I don't have one myself, but I would wager if
anyone does it would be in Lightwave,or Maya,
or maybe Max.. I am guessing that you would
have to get it converted into an STL format
for growing ?
LOVE to see the results on this one Adam, and also to see what other kind of goodies you produce on that sucker.
I know there's at least one 3D model of it for Poser. I'm not sure what format it is, .obj, .max or .lwo, but I'm sure it's one of the obvious ones like that.
any polygon model is going to have it's polygons accurately reproduced on your printer i.e just because the render looks smooth doesn't mean the underlying geometry is smooth. Anyone remember the Halo pistol printed directly from the game files ?

If you had a model built from NURBS or designed to be rendered as a subdivision surface then you have control over the amount of tessellation that gets into the STL prior to printing i.e it's still made from polygons but you have control over how small they are.

I use Rhino3D for anything I CNC mill since the geo are NURBS.

If you do find a model and you can load it up in ligtwave or max, turn smooth shading off and that's probably what your printed model will look like. Also if it's textured any bump mapping isn't going to show up in the printed model.
Sounds like you got a starch printer...

Aren't the models edible?

Of course that is before you impregnate them with crazy glue for durability.

I only have solidworks files of Pulse rifle parts and Dropship helmet bits at the

moment. Nothing complete. Though I have been thinking about printing

out some Pulse Rifle shrouds.
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Bump. Also does anyone have any success stories of props being printed from a 3d printer? I may try it with the Blade Runner blaster. If anyone has links to props from a 3d printer, please post.
Plenty of props abound have been 3D printed with great results. Everything from Spiderman Webshooters to Ironman helmets and everything in between. Do a search here with the keyword "shapeways" and you'll have plenty of material to oogle at ;):thumbsup
It would be near impossible to say without looking at the wireframe and checking for open edges, correctly enclosed solids, etc. It's one thing to make a pretty 3D model, it can be quite a different task to model something specifically for printing.
Adam, funny you bring this up.

I had recently watched your 'Tested' clip featuring your BR guns. I'm only a casual fan of BR which is why I've never added a BR blaster to my collection yet.

I keep up with the Threads and it seems the accuracy would improve every few years but then after Worldcon the blaster got über accurate and I was glad I haden't already bought one yet.

It seems like the only options are metal versions at $500+ and most of those are $1300+, or warped resin copies casted and/or recasted of older less accurate versions.

I was just thinking how sweet it would be for a version 3D printed in a few seperate pieces that were accurate (size and details) and cast.

I'd love to get a good accurate version that isn't going to become obsolete in a year or two. As a casual fan resin or straight 3D printed would be perfect.