Because I would really like to sleep the week before DragonCon next year.
And possibly because I'm a glutton for punishment.
Needless to say, after months of working very diligently on my Lady Sif costume, I found it very hard to come home and simply stop. So, I started talking to my husband...who mentioned he might want to do the new version of Hawkeye. And what's the new Hawkeye without a new version of Black Widow? (Currently ignoring rumors of Tasha/Bruce 'ship because, WTH? That's as bad -- and out of left field -- as Seven/Chakotay... ) Needless to say, I'm starting my research and collecting fabric samples now. After the armor build on Sif, I'm ready to go back to spandex now!
Collider had a great high-res version of the Entertainment Weekly image:

As usual, there's a lot going on here. There are at least three different materials in the suit: a printed/laminated knit, slightly different in design from the Avengers pattern, in that it uses squares and dots; leather (or a leather-like product); and a solid black material used for piping. The elbow and knee pads are actually connected to the suit using elastic and metal slides; I suspect the holster is designed to attach in a similar fashion, though the strap looks like a combination of leather and elastic. I'll also note that it appears the topstitching was done in a blue or gray thread, as opposed to black. My guess is so that it's more visible.
Princess seams along the back, this time in two different materials -- leather and knit.

They've upped the ante this year, though, finally "electrifying" her suit. If you have perused the Avengers artbook, you know there was a thought then to wiring her suit. (I suspect this is the reason for the ribbon seams/trim.) In the end, it didn't carry beyond her gloves and gauntlets. This time they've added it into the suit, and in some of the latest images, it's clear she (or the stunt double) is wearing a bit of EL-type wire:

The pouches have all changed (battery packs, anyone?), as has her belt, belt keepers, and the holster rig. Probably just as well, I was going to have to rework that, anyway.
Her gauntlets (Widow Bites) have also changed -- a bright red cuff of some indeterminate stiff material, with the black wristband and some sort of contraption on the top. I think I have a start on this, but need to do a little tinkering to figure it out.
Looks like the boots get a bit of rework as well, with a battery pack and some armor along the top and/or sides.
Like Hawkeye's new duster, however, I'm wondering if it's not a two-piece ensemble, based off these shots of the body/stunt doubles:

Given the amount of detail, this may be the approach I take. It will be easier to construct this in two pieces, especially if I actually do incorporate the EL wire elements. I'm currently looking at two patterns for the top: Jalie 2800 that I modified last year for an "Avengers"-variant Widow, and Simplicity 1361, ostensibly developed for the rodeo crowd:

Unlike the Jalie pattern, it's made to be a jacket, has a bit more length to it, and already has the princess lines in place. Why draft an entirely new pattern when I have a starting point already, right? =D
While I know the fabric on the new suit is different, I'm still planning on using the remaining 2+ yards of the material I used for the suit last year. Visually, it will provide a similar pattern, and I will be glad to be back on somewhat familiar ground again after the Sif build (leather and worbla, oh my!). I'll likely try and pair it either with a lightweight lambskin like I used for Sif, or a matte-finish wet look or pleather spandex that will provide a bit more give. And, for more throwback -- the leather overlays on the shoulders will harken back to my BSG duty blues "build" a few years ago. I vaguely remember them being a PITA to line up, but looking awesome once I finished. =D
The one bad thing about the return to spandex? It means I've got about 8 months to make some serious headway toward losing the weight (and inches) I've got left from our three-year Newfoundland adventure. I'm down a few inches already after the past few months and, in 2.5 weeks, I'll be back in Texas, where quick, healthy food is much easier to find. Time to invest in my own TRX system and get back to the pilates studio!
And possibly because I'm a glutton for punishment.
Needless to say, after months of working very diligently on my Lady Sif costume, I found it very hard to come home and simply stop. So, I started talking to my husband...who mentioned he might want to do the new version of Hawkeye. And what's the new Hawkeye without a new version of Black Widow? (Currently ignoring rumors of Tasha/Bruce 'ship because, WTH? That's as bad -- and out of left field -- as Seven/Chakotay... ) Needless to say, I'm starting my research and collecting fabric samples now. After the armor build on Sif, I'm ready to go back to spandex now!
Collider had a great high-res version of the Entertainment Weekly image:

As usual, there's a lot going on here. There are at least three different materials in the suit: a printed/laminated knit, slightly different in design from the Avengers pattern, in that it uses squares and dots; leather (or a leather-like product); and a solid black material used for piping. The elbow and knee pads are actually connected to the suit using elastic and metal slides; I suspect the holster is designed to attach in a similar fashion, though the strap looks like a combination of leather and elastic. I'll also note that it appears the topstitching was done in a blue or gray thread, as opposed to black. My guess is so that it's more visible.
Princess seams along the back, this time in two different materials -- leather and knit.

They've upped the ante this year, though, finally "electrifying" her suit. If you have perused the Avengers artbook, you know there was a thought then to wiring her suit. (I suspect this is the reason for the ribbon seams/trim.) In the end, it didn't carry beyond her gloves and gauntlets. This time they've added it into the suit, and in some of the latest images, it's clear she (or the stunt double) is wearing a bit of EL-type wire:

The pouches have all changed (battery packs, anyone?), as has her belt, belt keepers, and the holster rig. Probably just as well, I was going to have to rework that, anyway.
Her gauntlets (Widow Bites) have also changed -- a bright red cuff of some indeterminate stiff material, with the black wristband and some sort of contraption on the top. I think I have a start on this, but need to do a little tinkering to figure it out.
Looks like the boots get a bit of rework as well, with a battery pack and some armor along the top and/or sides.
Like Hawkeye's new duster, however, I'm wondering if it's not a two-piece ensemble, based off these shots of the body/stunt doubles:

Given the amount of detail, this may be the approach I take. It will be easier to construct this in two pieces, especially if I actually do incorporate the EL wire elements. I'm currently looking at two patterns for the top: Jalie 2800 that I modified last year for an "Avengers"-variant Widow, and Simplicity 1361, ostensibly developed for the rodeo crowd:

Unlike the Jalie pattern, it's made to be a jacket, has a bit more length to it, and already has the princess lines in place. Why draft an entirely new pattern when I have a starting point already, right? =D
While I know the fabric on the new suit is different, I'm still planning on using the remaining 2+ yards of the material I used for the suit last year. Visually, it will provide a similar pattern, and I will be glad to be back on somewhat familiar ground again after the Sif build (leather and worbla, oh my!). I'll likely try and pair it either with a lightweight lambskin like I used for Sif, or a matte-finish wet look or pleather spandex that will provide a bit more give. And, for more throwback -- the leather overlays on the shoulders will harken back to my BSG duty blues "build" a few years ago. I vaguely remember them being a PITA to line up, but looking awesome once I finished. =D
The one bad thing about the return to spandex? It means I've got about 8 months to make some serious headway toward losing the weight (and inches) I've got left from our three-year Newfoundland adventure. I'm down a few inches already after the past few months and, in 2.5 weeks, I'll be back in Texas, where quick, healthy food is much easier to find. Time to invest in my own TRX system and get back to the pilates studio!