Black Hole Humanoids


Active Member
With all the current threads about the Black Hole, I forgot how cool the Humanoids were.​
The shroud, ribbed neck-seal and hood seem pretty straight forward, but the mask and the gloves/sleeves seem a bit more difficult.​
I've been looking for a while, but I've come up empty-handed on the pleated, burgundy metallic vinyl, or even pleated vinyl, for that matter.​
If I can get a better handle on the mask and the pleated vinyl, it might be something I'd like to take a swing at.​
This first picture is from Confusion's Thread in the Screen Used Forum.​
You can see the creases on the mask, I'm wondering if it might be mirrored window tint over a clear plastic dome.​
What's strange is in the first two pictures, the pleats on the vinyl are really pronounced, but they look almost nonexistent in this picture below. I'm wondering if the first two pictures are from a ''Hero'' costume...​
Any suggestions?​
I think the mask in the second pic was used during the operation scene, since it was the only time the Humanoids were seen in full vinyl costumes like the arms and gloves.

Here's a screencap of it:

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Thanks for the info and the pic, Red Eye.​
I'm actually surprised at the total lack of interest in this costume. I guess if it would have been the 10,000th version of Iron Man, it would have attracted more attention.
Thanks for the info and the pic, Red Eye.​
I'm actually surprised at the total lack of interest in this costume. I guess if it would have been the 10,000th version of Iron Man, it would have attracted more attention.

Aint it the truth? :rolleyes

I think I actually saw some fabric similar to that ridged material on the discount rack when I was last at Jo-ann's fabrics, I'll take a gander for you next time I'm in the store.
Luke, I would appreciate that, any nudge in the right direction would help.​
Spacer1999, I can't imagine the mask itself would be that difficult, either some fiberglass and resin, or vacuumforming.​
The opaque film on the inside of the mask is what has me scratching my head though.​
Hello all
I am currently working on the mask. It took me for ever to find an appropriate dome.
I will post more info when I have the basics worked out.
I just drilled the holes this morning, works quite fine.
I really love this costume, I have never seen a more pure and totally anonymising mask and costume, and the simplicity is stunning but yet very complicated to make.
my mask is a fully semi transparent mirror. the wrinkled mask seems to me to be some protection film, in most scenes you see the mask as perfect mirror. I am still wondering if it shouldn't be a gold mirror..
I have to see how to get the eggshape now but I have an Idea.
I was thinking of making a small production if somebody is interested. Worst case I have to modify my Lasercutter (so the dome fits inside) to make the holes, would be even better than drilling.
I am just working on my mask, drilled the holes this morning on the prototype.
It took my forever to find a good dome to start with ( mirror and transparent)
for me the wrinkled mask is just a protective film ( against scratches) or something. In the film the masks are always perfectly mirror, but I am wondering if they are golden or silver..
once I got it all figured out I'll post it.
Hi there
so here is how I made my Mask in case someone wants to make one also
and here is the template
I find it turned out pretty well, If I had more domes I could perfection the process yet a bit, but it's ok for me.
I hope you like it, let me know what you think or if you tried it.
It took me for ever to find and get the domes.
I am no costume fan but this one I really like, that's why I just had to make it. I think it is not possible to get more anonymous than this mask.
it is fully wearable ( meaning you can breathe and see ;)
you can make this in less than 1 hours work, just be very careful, the effect is lost if it is not perfect.
This is an awesome idea! I have been tossing around putting together a Maximillian and a Vincent myself. One critique, this thread needs PICS!