Bio Sculpt

Yes Anubis, That does cheer me up :rolleyes:

Anyway, Im going to do some sculpting outside today(cause its emm effing amazing out) before I go to work, Ill get some pics up once I get done for the day
I'm about to where I was before disaster struck, so its all progress from this point out! :p
Okay, so here's the progress Ive done so far, and if I can suggest it, people should sculpt outside during the summer, cause it loosens all the clay up and plus allows one to get a tan while expressing our our super Nerd-dom!

Bio's Left Side

Bio's Right Side

Above Straight On

Any critisicms and ideas are welcome in my mind.

Well this is a much needed update, sorry its been so long, Ive been really busy trying to deal with a bunch of **** that's been going on lately. Rearranging the house, spring cleaning, and becoming single(ladies watch out!)

Anyway, I spent A good long time on just the right side tonight, I smoothed alot, and basically barring additions and the dome design, all I need to do is mimic my work on the left side, finish and hopefully cast and whatnot.

Top View

Right Side View

Left Side (unfinished side)

Any suggestions of comment are definitaly appreciatted. I feel like I need to do something mor in the cheeks, like It needs something there, but I don't quite know yet. If anyone has any ideas feel free to let me know!
its kinda hard to give ya crits, since you work on one side then the other. honestly i dont know how you do that. it would drive me crazy to not work on one side.
but if i put my hand over the unfinished side i like what you've got going on.
Well this is a much needed update, Been going through alot of things around the house lately, and just haevnt had time to update everyone, Sculpts going well in my opinion, I, for now at least, scrapped the head ornamentation I had going in favor of Wolf-esque writing. The hoses are just convoluted tubing that i really like the look of, still unfinished, But Im really happy with how its turning out. All i have left to fo is solve whats going in the mouth area now. Thats being a predicament in itself

Anyway, Here's the mask thus far, Any critisicms and questions or praises or jsut ideas you have would be greatly appreciated.

Top View

Close Up of the Lettering

The lettering says "I am a toxin with no cure"

Right side of the Bio

Left Side of the Bio

Thanks for looking!
liking the sculpt! if i may ask, did you make that bio form out of great stuff spray foam? im about to sculpt my first bio and i was wondering about your method.
I took my DBP1 and laid aluminum foil over it, then did cheesecloth strips in plaster over tope to get the shape of the head, then used Great Stuff foam on the back of it to basically reinforce it. Hez is the guy who posted a huntorial on it a while back, and the idea is easily implemented and cheap, so I used his method.

This is his thread Scuplting and Molding a Bio-By Hez
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