Originally posted by troopermaster@Feb 11 2006, 12:20 PM
When you say visor in two parts,do you mean the actual peak/visor and face plate is two parts or just the peak/visor is made up of two seperate plastic parts?
I'd like to know because I'll be tackling this helmet in the future
That would be one interesting project I would follow with interest. I expect you plan to make it as close to the screen used prop as possible?
There are just a few things I have noticed on the official and fan-made versions offered that have prevented me from buying one of them:
1. the snout is too rounded and soft on the DP/Rubies, as well as some fan-made ABS & fiberglass helmets, whereas on one of the fiberglass ones have a too pointy snout (if you know what I mean).
2. the lower edge or groove on the cheek on the original appears to be of same depth as the upper one close to the lense, but on the official and fan-made version it is less pronounced as the upper one. (ask if you don't know what I'm talking about)
I was planning on getting the MLC helmet, which I consider the best, imo, version so far - even though it requires some alterations of the snout, lower cheek groove and also the grill detail in order to be perfect (for me). But may hold off on that until I have seen your version, knowing full well how great your Stormtrooper gear looks.
And here's the inevitable question: will your sculpt be for yourself only or do you plan to offer these for sale?
Please keep us all updated on this... especially me, since I can only speak for myself. .)