Better Sawdust and Blankings


Active Member
Hey all,
I've been sitting on this thought for ages and thought I'd see your advice on the matter. As I have said I have to be frugal as a Maker, I have worked to make resin compatible dyes from my everyday material one I hope really works is the Pepto Pink I made from grinding up some expired Pepto tabs should work after all it's something that suspends in liquid. So along with this I have been wanting to recycle the sawdust I don't use for drying as a alternate wood source, by which I mean taking sawdust and somehow turning it into fresh blanks.

At first I thought it'd would be a good choice to use wood glue as the binder but I have mixed results with it coming out rubbery though it will become solid after a good drying, but it still makes me wonder would Resin be better suited to use as a stabilizer? I recently purchased some Art N Glow Epoxy after all the moisture problems my Polyurethane based resin has given me, (I mean really it acts like I put a bunch of orbeez into it with a powder that is 99% Salt that's about as dry as death valley and it still bubbles up like Beaver foam filler.) and so I hope to have better success with it on dying and making faux textured material such as fake Ivory (Ground up egg shells and Chalk mixed with a couple other pigments to make it look like a proper tooth like material.) and real color from some things like rust.

But yeah any methods to this kind of madness? Also I do intend to seal all things I make so nothing can cross contaminate like the aforementioned Pepto pink I want to ensure it remains fully sealed even after the roughest handling though from all I see on inlay even after sanding all the particles are in a sort of colloid within the resin with not even smell getting out. But best not tempt allergys like if any peanut dust is in the resin I don't want anyone passing away from my props.

Also if anyone in the Midwest is going to be there I will be for the fourth year standing be at Cape Comiccon in Cape Girardeau, MO April 27th or so, a key to my maker career. See ya there if you go there.

take care
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