BCS is crap, pure and simple....did all you people take stupid pills or something:lol.....I think most of you have been conned by the media and review sites like rotten tomatoes.
Saul was a support character at best during BB and while I loved the idea of expanding his universe, seriously so far it’s rubbish.
Random characters making no sense, while Saul whines his way through life....can you see why Saul was a support character in BB??...that's why.
He's the same random whining a-hole from BB that now has his own show. There is no character and/or story arc. Saul was a weaner lawyer when he ran away in BB and he is exactly the same in BCS
It's so predictable and boring, I'm fast forwarding 5 minutes at a time to see where it goes and it really goes nowhere.
BB was dramatic and interesting from the get-go, it suffered in the middle seasons, but come to a conclusion that honored the premise.
Walter White was not the same man at the end as he was in the beginning...that's a story and character arc.
Jimmy/Saul is exactly the same character from the start of BCS to the end of BB.
Don't buy into the hype.....