Best place for ABS Plastic?


Well-Known Member
I am not sure it's ok to post in this forum so if you want PM me.

I have looked high and low and searched other forums on numerous occasions with no joy.

I have built a vac machine and I need to get some plastic. Where does everyone go to get their plastic? I live in Houston and I've called around but all anyone has is haircell I am looking for something smooth and smooth and .090 ... typical TK armor stuff. Though the project I am working on is not TK armor.

If anyone has a good resource I would greatly appreciate that knowledge.
I typically go to mcmaster-carr. They have a distribution house local to me in Atlanta, so sometimes I even get things same day! Don't know about your neck of the woods, but its worth checking out.
They have a place in Houston I'll check them out. I had not called there in the last look I had around.