Battlefield3. Best game ever.

I can't wait. Has anyone heard if they will have destructible buildings? I didn't play Bad Company 2, but I've heard it had them.
That's what Battlefield is best known for and this game's destructibility will be more realistic than before. I read an article on it in gamer informer.
I just watched the video Gamespot posted. Wow.

I played a lot of roles, but I mainly play sniper because I'm awesome at it. :) Destructible buildings may be a game changer though. I've gotten a lot of teams p*ssed off enough to just go after me, so I don't know if I like the ability for them to bring the entire building down I'm hiding in. :lol

It is supposed to be the most destroyable environment EVER in a video game. You can take down the biggest building. Or even blow up enough of the dirt or floor to tunnel UNDER one. You can hit the ceiling above a sniper and crush him. OR take out the floor beneath him.

You could always heal in battlefield as a medic. Now you can run in, drag your buddy to safety and patch him up under cover.

I should also mention this is only part one of the footage. The next part comes out on my birthday march 16th! :)
You must be under 20 J/K :lol but seriously this game looks fantastic, the lighting is so real. I am an old FPS PC dog so this is gonna be great

lol what? What does being under 20 have anything to do with halo? (which I'm not, btw). I just appreciate all the special details and efforts bungie has put into their swan song. It's just really fantastic.

This game sounds incredibly fun though. If everything is destructible, trees, etc, and I can tunnel.... oh god.

It is supposed to be the most destroyable environment EVER in a video game. You can take down the biggest building. Or even blow up enough of the dirt or floor to tunnel UNDER one. You can hit the ceiling above a sniper and crush him. OR take out the floor beneath him.

You could always heal in battlefield as a medic. Now you can run in, drag your buddy to safety and patch him up under cover.

That's awesome! I used to set up sets of claymores so once the second person set off the last one I'd get up and move. This could be interesting. On the plus side, I'm guessing if this game has a .50 cal sniper rifle it will actually hit people through walls. Air support might actually be more useful now that you could call in an airstrike that would do damage to a building!

I just hope they found a way to stop the knife/resuscitate thing jerks did. You know his buddy would knife you, then he'd resuscitate, knife, resuscitate, and on and on to get points. I got caught in that and it sucked.
the games graphics look like the best ever in a video game and the destruction is pretty cool but im not counting on the overall game to be vary good. cod and battlefeild have gotten boring and predictable. i guess im just betting tired of fps's all together.
im more of a ps3 fan myself but i do agree that halo is vary good game. not the best but its up there.
I just hope they found a way to stop the knife/resuscitate thing jerks did. You know his buddy would knife you, then he'd resuscitate, knife, resuscitate, and on and on to get points. I got caught in that and it sucked.

Same thing happened to me, had to do a reset on my computer to end the torture. Crap like that ruins these games for me.
the games graphics look like the best ever in a video game and the destruction is pretty cool but im not counting on the overall game to be vary good. cod and battlefeild have gotten boring and predictable. i guess im just betting tired of fps's all together.
im more of a ps3 fan myself but i do agree that halo is vary good game. not the best but its up there.

Umm... :unsure

BF3 is the FIRST time a battlefield game has even HAD a single player campaign. I honestly could give a rats ass about that. It is just a bonus.

Battlefield2 is the ONLY game I play. It has been that way for 6 years now. If you think you played battlefield on a game system... you have NOT. The PC online multiplayer is STILL the best FPS game.

Can you fly jets in COD? Can you take a blackhawk filled with men hanging off the side over an aircraft carrier out in the gulf and kill 30 REAL players on deck?


If you haven't experienced BF2 ON THE PC. I wouldn't expect you to be excited. You have NO idea.

Halo this is not.

Wolfenstien to COD are all the same...

Battlefield 2? That was/is something else.

I'm playing right now on my other PC WHILE typing this. Commanding my team, giving UAV support, dropping artillary. All while sniping from atop a high rise building after being dropped off by a chopper. :love

I play all the new games for XBOX and Ps3 when they come out. They are all supposed to be the NEXT BIG THING!!! Yawn.:sleep

Just wait. If you have a PC that can actually play it. BF3 will reignite your old love for the FPS. It is different. And again the single player campaign has NEVER been what BF is about. Trust me. It is all about the multiplayer.
ive been keeping an eye on this game for a few months now, and every time they release new info it makes me drool. if you havent already, read the GI article. its got a lot of good info in there.

this game offers so much more than any other shooter. there are more ways to contribute or to just cause trouble / have fun. also, with halo and CoD, i love them both, but its apples and oranges when comparing them to this game. this is the most realistic warfare exeprience youll see on the market. halo gave me what i called "big battle moments" where you would just get caught in the middle of everything. running towards the objective while all kinds of bullets are flying at you and vehicles racing by to stop other vehicles, etc. battlefield gives me the same style of moments and feelings, but on a MUCH bigger scale. this game gives you loads and loads and loads of water cooler stories to talk about. if you havent given this game a chance, then search "battlefield moments" on youtube and youll be able to see several clips that kind of illustrate the point.

the new game looks INCREDIBLE. within the first 5-10 seconds (however long it takes them to jump out of their vehicle in the trailer) it had already blown away all other games visually. the combat. oh the combat. i cant describe how amazing it looked. im really really pumped to see the level of destruction thats available now. it was an assload in bad company 2 / vietnam, but now theyre promising an exponential leap in what the engine can do. YES, PLEASE.
The way black ops turned out, I don't think they'll have a hard time going head to head with Modern Warfare 3 in November.