Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Antje was always in battle armor though. We look at Wonder Woman and imagine a tight fitting outfit that displays her...ahem, Amazonian assets. Again, those photos, not a good indicator of gains.

Got to it before I could. WW usually is a little more....flaunting so to speak. Plus I don't know what it is, but Antje was just a bad a## chick all around. She played that part beautifully. The way she was more of a killer and warrior made me feel that she was more of a villain than Zod was.
We just heard from my wife's ex-husband. He got a call from his brother who works at a party store in Metro Detroit. Apparently the producer and assistant producer were just there. They want to use his party store and the employees in the movie. They will know more next month.

The new Batman Arkham Knight Batmobile. This is what I would love to see on the big screen. Rocksteady has always done a great job on the Arkham Games. It's armored and beefy looking like the Tumbler, but has just enough car/comic book look to satisfy both sides. Very cool.\

And this Batman is awesome. If Affleck could look half this cool on the big screen and Snyder does the Dark Knight in a similar light, I'm game. This game trailer is like watching a movie trailer.
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Official Batman: Arkham Knight Announce Trailer - "Father to Son" - YouTube

And this Batman is awesome. If Affleck could look half this cool on the big screen and Snyder does the Dark Knight in a similar light, I'm game. This game trailer is like watching a movie trailer.

"In the event of my death, I hereby declare that all my wordily possessions pass to my son, Bruce Wayne."

Wow. Either Martha Wayne was a literal trophy wife/walking incubator for Thomas Wayne, or he seriously forgot that he had a wife there.... that or he produced Bruce asexually which could very well be possible. We all know DC hates married couples, so why not wipe the slate clean and say that Martha didn't exist? The trailer would make so much more sense since, if I was ever to die, I'd want my wife to have my possessions, not my 10 year old kid.
For trailer making purposes they left off the fine print that says Martha would have been in charge of all the money until Bruce was of age. Better?
For trailer making purposes they left off the fine print that says Martha would have been in charge of all the money until Bruce was of age. Better?
That's funny logic. Martha being left out is a much better alternative than Martha being left out. If you're going to defend something with nothing, I recommend not saying anything at all.
That's funny logic. Martha being left out is a much better alternative than Martha being left out. If you're going to defend something with nothing, I recommend not saying anything at all.

No, it's much better that this trailer called "Father to Son" that focuses on all of the things that Thomas Wayne instilled in and gave to his son, be politically correct and say that Thomas Wayne should give everything to his wife in the event that he dies. That would be much more fitting and more relevant to the trailer, especially since Martha dies with her husband anyway. Yeah, let's do that.

If you're going to complain about something trivial, that was done for the better and is overall not relevant to the thread, I recommend not saying anything at all.
An ironic point sir. I applaud your motives, what with the lack of respect given to women in the genre and whatnot, but I think you're in a situation where you're just looking for something to be offended at here. I'm sure you feel differently on that point.
I have to agree Jeyl. It seems of all the things to complain about or be upset about you chose that? Just admit. That was awesome. HAHA It's simply a father speaking to his son passing on his legacy as a Wayne. Nothing to read into. So he didn't mention his wife. It wasn't intended for her, but their son. Much like a king passing on his throne to his son and heir, he was asking that Bruce take care of what he cared about. The city and what he tried to take care of during his life. Your disapproval of the trailer or narrative hadn't even occurred to me. Sounds to me like you may be trying to find something because you don't like a series or have other reasons not seen. Just my humble observation.
If you're going to complain about something trivial, that was done for the better and is overall not relevant to the thread, I recommend not saying anything at all.

Oh, I think it's relevant. This new film has about as much interest in it's female leads as that trailer did for Martha Wayne. Zack Snyder recently commented,

Zack Snyder said:
I’m very excited. It’s very fun to get into this world with different heroes coexisting in the same universe, but a lot of balls in the air as they say. As a fan, it’s an amazing opportunity. You know, Superman and Batman in the movies have never existed in the same frame together. So it’s an interesting historical thing. We were just testing the suits, right? The new Batsuit and the Superman suit. It wasn’t even with the actors, right? It was just to see ‘em. I was standing there, they were standing next to each other. And I was like, “Guys, someone take a picture! This has never happened before.” We slightly dork out. Like, “Are you kidding me?!”

Yeah. Batman and Superman. When it comes to what motivates this guy about two super heroes who have had numerous films and numerous series all to their own (even crossovers in different mediums), just having their two costumes in the same frame together is the big historical moment. Wonder Woman existing in the film at all? Never mentioned once.


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WW is not key to a BATMAN SUPERMAN FILM...:facepalm

Hey, if there was a Wonder Woman movie being produced right now, I wouldn't have a problem with that argument. Unfortunately, not only is there no female comic book hero movie being produced by anyone PERIOD, this Batman and Superman film is all Wonder Woman has right now. You're not building any kind of confidence towards her character if her level of involvement is "not key".
I'm not a gamer but I will have to admit that suit and batmobile look pretty good.

Okay, I am going to show my ignorance here. I haven't played a video game since the late 80s. But if the game does all that by itself, what exactly does the player do?
True, not a lot of confidence in how great her intro will be. Unfortunate, really, being possibly shoehorned in for our gratification.
Hey, if there was a Wonder Woman movie being produced right now, I wouldn't have a problem with that argument. Unfortunately, not only is there no female comic book hero movie being produced by anyone PERIOD, this Batman and Superman film is all Wonder Woman has right now. You're not building any kind of confidence towards her character if her level of involvement is "not key".
Laspector - That trailer was just a cinematic intro, the actual gameplay will certainly feature bits and pieces of what was shown but it won't look quite as movie-like. The trailer was basically a short cartoon for the game.
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