Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The big issue I see with Batman v Superman is that Snyder & Co. didn't give this new movie Superman the innate moral code and that overall "do gooder" vibe Superman needs to have. Supes not having that takes away the biggest edge Batman had (and a very core principle behind Superman). Superman wouldn't kill him or maim him and Bats' smarts and 'shadier' tactics gave him something to combat Supe's brute strength.

I'm still amazed that Snyder got the Superman character so wrong.

I have to agree. In my opinion, when I think of Superman, that version is about as close to acurate as the 60's TV Batman show is to Batman.

Starting the new DC movie franchise off with that would be like starting Marvel with the old Fantastic Four movies. I dont think it would be where it is now.
What I kinda don't get is (and I know it's been in comics and cartoons) is you have 2 well loved heroes and they're fighting each other. I don't know any details about the movie, but why all this vs. stuff? Shouldn't the good guys be working together and not against? Marvel is showing the working as a team thing well and putting aside differences and using their strengths to work together. DC seems to be going this darker and darker direction where nothing, not even other DC films, work together.

Don't forget there was a whole sequence of Thor fighting Iron Man and Captain America in the Avengers and plenty of scenes of them not getting along.
We all know that eventually Batman and Superman will be on the same side, but for this movie, they are on opposite sides to start.
There is over 75 years of history for batman superman and people forget what we see as the real batman and suoerman isn't for others.
Saying the 60s batman isn't right for batman is wrong as for a time batman in the comics was just like that and superman as been done different and same as he is seen in MOS.

Just cause people don't like the take doesn't mean they got it wrong just means it doesn't fit with how you see it

I was refering to the original comic when Superman holds back and slowly takes Batman and his armored suit apart until Batman fakes his death with his hand on Supermans throat. By "win" I think you mean that it went according to plan so Bruce can retire in peace. Superman sits up as soon as Bruce passes out so the question will always be would and could Batman "finish him off". A question that DC would like to go one forever. They like their titans to try and balance out. I can only assume the movie will have the fight end in some debatable draw.
There is over 75 years of history for batman superman and people forget what we see as the real batman and suoerman isn't for others.
Saying the 60s batman isn't right for batman is wrong as for a time batman in the comics was just like that and superman as been done different and same as he is seen in MOS.

Just cause people don't like the take doesn't mean they got it wrong just means it doesn't fit with how you see it

You are correct. In my defense, I did preface my comment with "in my opinion."
One thing I don't get is why do they always cover the bottom of the nose with the Batman mask? I don't think it's ever been that way in the comics--but I haven't read a Batman comic in a decade or so. Why not just end it at the bottom of the nose and leave his nostrils exposed like in the comics? Even with holes in it it seems it would still be hard to breath. People are always fussing over the "neck turning" deal, yet the idea of actually breathing comfortably never seems to be addressed. I'd much rather be able to breathe than turn my neck.
A little funny...

What I kinda don't get is (and I know it's been in comics and cartoons) is you have 2 well loved heroes and they're fighting each other. I don't know any details about the movie, but why all this vs. stuff? Shouldn't the good guys be working together and not against?
I don't know how they're going to explain it in the movie, but in Frank Miller's comic series "The Dark Knight Returns" Superman has become the U.S. Government's "errand boy" and tends to adhere to the old "Truth, justice and the American way" ethos. Conversely Batman, as he always has, is working outside the law and refers to Supes as "the big blue Boy Scout". So right there, their ideologies clash--Superman is all about playing by the rules, and Batman refuses to. Also, in Miller's comic storyline, Superman is ordered by the government to eliminate Batman. So, to a degree, Bruce Wayne is simply defending himself in the name of self-preservation against an adversary who is almost impossible to defeat, but the undertone is that Bruce and Clark have always had a like/hate relationship and that a showdown between the two was inevitable.

With regards to DC's regular Superman and Batman comic book series', I haven't read them in a long time so I don't know if this "adversarial" relationship between them exists in that universe. Or, if it does, whether it started with Miller's "Dark Knight" series, or if it existed before that.
My understanding is that prior to TDKR Superman and Batman were best buds who didn't disagree on squat. The post-TDKR characterization has them generally less adversarial than Miller portrayed (at least after the initial meeting) but still plays up the disparate ideologies the two have. That tends to be the main schtick for the various incarnations of Batman/Superman comics, that they're complete opposites but are friends who respect each other greatly even if they're not chummy.

In any event, Superman probably has engendered some distrust amongst the populace after seeing all the havoc wrought on Metropolis. Batman's savvy enough to know that if Superman changes his mind about protecting Earth there's going to be a problem so he likely doesn't trust Superman off the bat. Likewise Superman won't trust Batman up front since the latter is a vigilante who works outside the law and may be viewed negatively by the establishment. In any event the "let's him and you fight" schtick is a time-honored comic book trope.
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