Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Looks just like the armored batman from the end of Dark Knight Returns. Guess we will get a throwdown with Bats getting his butt kicked. :lol
Exactly what I was thinking--they appear to have taken a page straight from the Frank Miller playbook. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it depends on how well Snyder translates it from the page to the screen.
SUPERMAN: There's only ONE WAY this ends Batman. Either you die, I die, I fight you until I win and we both live, you fight me until you win and we both live, some super powered bad guy will make us fight him instead, other random super heroes will tell us to stop fighting, I destroy Gotham by merely trying to fight you, you destroy Gotham because you're the gosh darn Batman, Wonder Woman trips while walking in her high heals or Ryan Reynalds shows up as Green Lantern and I break his neck without screaming in agony over what I have done.
What I kinda don't get is (and I know it's been in comics and cartoons) is you have 2 well loved heroes and they're fighting each other. I don't know any details about the movie, but why all this vs. stuff? Shouldn't the good guys be working together and not against? Marvel is showing the working as a team thing well and putting aside differences and using their strengths to work together. DC seems to be going this darker and darker direction where nothing, not even other DC films, work together.

I like that Wonder Woman shot. My only gripe is that it's too bad we don't get to know her character more from a solo film before we get her in DOJ, which sucks to me because that's how I came to loving the Avengers so much was all the solo film attachments and getting to understand them before they worked as a team. Way better establishment of characters.
What I kinda don't get is (and I know it's been in comics and cartoons) is you have 2 well loved heroes and they're fighting each other. I don't know any details about the movie, but why all this vs. stuff? Shouldn't the good guys be working together and not against? Marvel is showing the working as a team thing well and putting aside differences and using their strengths to work together. DC seems to be going this darker and darker direction where nothing, not even other DC films, work together.

I like that Wonder Woman shot. My only gripe is that it's too bad we don't get to know her character more from a solo film before we get her in DOJ, which sucks to me because that's how I came to loving the Avengers so much was all the solo film attachments and getting to understand them before they worked as a team. Way better establishment of characters.

Marvels characters do fight to start with. Its that they come together at the end that counts. Which will probably be the same situation here. They will also probably fight in AOU. DC better do something fast! Saw guardians other day. Yet another amazing film. No stopping marvel at this moment in time. Be nice to have good DC films to watch also so dont have to wait 6 months for a new film. Love it!


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I like the homage to Frank Miller Batman. Will be nice to have something a little different for a cinematic Dark Knight for a change.

First thing I thought of when I saw the armored Batman... especially the neck area, was "I guess that's to make sure he doesn't get the "Zod Treatment". :p
The big issue I see with Batman v Superman is that Snyder & Co. didn't give this new movie Superman the innate moral code and that overall "do gooder" vibe Superman needs to have. Supes not having that takes away the biggest edge Batman had (and a very core principle behind Superman). Superman wouldn't kill him or maim him and Bats' smarts and 'shadier' tactics gave him something to combat Supe's brute strength.

I'm still amazed that Snyder got the Superman character so wrong.
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