Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm actually getting more excited the more I hear about this movie. I thought it would be quite the opposite, at least when it was first announced. At first it seemed like they had no clue what they were doing and were just piecing things together randomly. It seems like now they actually have a plan. Could be very wrong, but it seems to be going together.
I don't understand why DC isn't going the shared universe route that Marvel has. I have a feeling its just going to confuse people with 2 Flashes, different Suicide Squads, etc . Also the announcement of (Teen) Titians drama coming to TNT
Well, I was upset about this too at first, but the more I think about it, the more I believe it's better this way, we get both a DC TV Universe and A DC Cinematic Univers, twice as more content, and the TV universe actually has actual JL league superheroes in it, which kinda Marvel is trying to do with Daredevil on netflix, but they don't currently have any show with Avengers as a lead, and I don't think they will have that any time soon.
Now if the different DC TV shows could be all linked together and be allowed to show Superman or Batman in them, that would be perfect, but they seem a bit limited for now.
I don't buy that for a second. I think they just have no idea how to handle their heroes properly. As evidence, I submit all the DC movies they let Goyer have a write on.
Goyer is no longer involved in anything DC now, so we'll see, but I hardly think TDK trilogy is evidence of bad films.
Anyway they really should draw a clear line between TV and Movies if they're not going to connect anything, and just let both medias do their thing. Just like the comics do their thing too independently from the movies.
Probably because, if they did, people would complain, "Oh, they're just copying Marvel. Can't they come up with their own ideas?" :rolleyes
That would be me.

I think DC is doing the right thing by trying to develop their universe, but trying to do so in a way that doesn't mirror Marvel.
I just want a damn trailer!!!
Amen! I'll take anything at this point!

There. Happy? :D
Probably because, if they did, people would complain, "Oh, they're just copying Marvel. Can't they come up with their own ideas?" :rolleyes

Well they are copying them. To what degree can be debated, but if there was no Marvel Universe there wouldn't be an impending DC one. I don't know if they even thought it possible in the past. Most people didn't - it was amazing to see what was pulled off in the Avengers with the balance between all the heroes.

DC's president or something was even quoted after the avengers saying something to the effect of 'we have to act fast to cash in on this'. Not the tact you take if you wanna do something right. In fairness, they do seem to have slowed up a bit since then - hopefully to get it right, only time will tell.
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