Batman The Animated Series Grappling Gun Build

Prince NEO

Sr Member
Thank you Agliarent for making me want one of these. :)

Now I'm building one out of Foam :thumbsup

Pictures of one side cut out:
You might want to get some not too thick plywood or at least a sheet of sintra to use as a core for the foam build up. As far as I can tell you need to at least cut out one piece that incorporates the shapes from the bottom handle to the top gun head.
How are you planning to do the finish? Use sheet styrene to cover it all up?

Argh, that design is so simple it would maybe take 10 minutes to create a 3D-model in Sketchup and then perhaps an additional 30 mins to make a working pep out of it! :unsure But it´s 4:40 am and I think I need to at least get two more hours of sleep :sleep Maybe anyone else volunteers?
I wish I had thought of that, I actually had enough wood, here is the scary finish, it's more like a space ship then a Grapple Gun, not sure if I wanna finish it with bondo now or not. I have a big square of 3millimeter thick ply from putting a secret panel in my desk draw, but it's a little to late, though I might use it for the main body and just fill it with foam, or expanding foam, or even leave it empty.

Oh, and if you get around to modeling it, I can pep it for unfolding and for wood/foam use.

Well, horror pictures now:
I'm not sure I would go with this type of foam. What about the pink insulation foam sheets or... well, it's not a foam, but as already mentioned, styrene. I think plywood or particle board would be too difficult to paint.

But you've started, and that's the important part.
/\ ?

I'm not sure I would go with this type of foam. What about the pink insulation foam sheets or... well, it's not a foam, but as already mentioned, styrene. I think plywood or particle board would be too difficult to paint.

But you've started, and that's the important part.

Isn't Styrene something you inject into people/animals to put them down? And Pink Insulation foam is dangerous too right? I was actually considering TB-21 Foam like Trek920 uses, if I don't just get some blocks of wood and cut it from that with a jig saw (Which would have to wait until at least Monday. If not January)
Hey prince Neo, I'm the one that made that for agliarept. My vector drawings are at work over the holidays here, but when I get back to work I'll post it for you. The whole thing was really rather simple to make, I made it mostly from a 2 x 4 of wood. The rest is MDF or Hardwood that we use at work. I'm including the only progress pics I took, you'll have to forgive me I was in a hurry and what you see here took me about 2 hours to make. You can see from the front or top down pic that the center is just 2x4 wood with other pieces of wood stacked and glued. The Red stuff is glazing putty I use to smooth the surface, then I sand it and prime it. For wood it usually takes about 3 coats of grey scratch filler primer and 2 coats of glazzing putty to seal it all up.
Thanks, It's really helpful, and now I know I can make it the way I wanted to originally provided I can afford the wood.
Howdy, once i get a chance to get back home I will be able to get you some dimensions! Your build is coming along really nicely!! I still can't believe it only took wondersquid 2 hours to make the shape. that boggles my mind lol.
Here is the vector I drew for the build. It's about 8 1/2" at it's longest point.
Always liked this design. Seems more likely to be something that could hold and even reel in a decent sized human. The actual "guns" from the movies are cool, but less believable.

I think you did a great job for a first go at it Neo! Stick with it. I bet your next one will be great. :) Just hold out till you can buy the materials you really want to use first.

Trial and error is a good thing! ;)
Thanks OldKen, I actually am holding out until I can get the right material, once school lets back in I'll be able to get some wood for free and I'll have access to power tools.
