Batman Returns Vehicles (Pic Intensive!)

I wonder what raw deal WB is trying to hand the winners of the auction? I'd be wary of any stipulations that they have if they want final say over the winner.
I recall that the width of the Batmobile was something close to 13 ft. wide and 26ft long. Most city streets are 14 ft or slightly less wide. Making it very dangerous to drive with on coming traffic. My measurements are not exact just close approximations from a shaky memory at best.
why is the batmobile not street legal again?
Niiice!!! Imagine just cruising around in the Penguin's Duckmobile, haha. Gotta love the 'Returns' Batmobile... nothing says Batman like the same car that lit the Penguin's Clown-Henchman on fire at the begining of the movie! Now.. did The Tumbler ever light any clowns on fire? lol jk. These are awesome, thanks for posting the pics! \m/ :D
- Kyle
Oh man, I still think that Batskiboat is one of the most under-appreciated designs of Batman tech. Thanks for these photos!

Indeed, but I could never help but think when watching the movie that, that thing must be really claustrofobic. I don't think there's even room to sit in there, just watch Keaton get out. It looks like he was crouched in there. lol

I'm pretty sure these are promo vehicles, also because the interior of the batmobile doesn't match the screen used ones. That and the price, of course. 300k for the lot is awfully cheap if they were screen used.
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