Batman Begins


Sr Member
I've been thinking about a bat costume for some time, but seeing TDK convinced me that a BB suit is next for me. Can anyone point me in the right direction for cowls, armor, etc? I've registered over at Brotherhood of the Bat, but getting access to the for sale/trade area is taking a long time.


Be patient. Getting a batsuit will take time. I have been a member for 4 years, but still don't have mine complete.

Get to know people, read the archives. See who makes the best of each first. There are a TON of people who make batsuit parts. Some of them are terrible. Some are amazing. Do your research. But remember, you have to be patient.

If I can help, PM me and I can make some suggestions. If you want the Batman Begins suit, I can help put you in touch with my friends over there. Just be nice! :)

Good Luck!
The most accurate suit is available form Doody, a member here. I can't reccommend him enough. Most accurate sculpt by far of anyone who has attempted these. You won't regret it.
Still looking for a little help. If anyone can suggest good sources for belts or capes, please send me a PM.


I was going to recommend Keith as well for the Utility Belt. I plan on getting one of his for my suit. In my eyes it has the most accurate "feel". They're also well made. The links are backed with neoprene to prevent paint rub on your suit and to keep it in place, and the pouches/cylinders are magnetic instead of the belt itself, so keys and the like won't be hanging off your belt. ;)

I also spoke to him recently; he's working on some newer urethane molds, so they're going to get cheaper as well.

PM me if you want details but I'm sure you have sources by now.
My cowl is made by the same guy as El Fetts, its perfect. Goes well with doody's armor.
Id like to get ahold of one of those belts, so I can have some of it done in aluminum on CNC.. the buckle and the two pieces on the side seem fairly easy once measured and drawn up.. the links would be easy to do to once drawn.
I love the new batman stuff as well, is there someone that makes TDK armor yet? like nice stuff? the new style cowl with neck and the mesh style armor?? thats what I would wanna get I think.
