Hi everyone, I'm new here and came to this site with a specific prop in mind Icons Robin's Throwing Bird. This is impossible to find or afford, however a few days ago I bought these. I don't care if they are official props, which I doubt that they are. However, I can't seem to find any info on them. Both say Jaguar which means nothing to me and my searches. Sorry if the pics are huge, this is my first time posting on a site like this. Thank you for any help you can provide.
Length = 5 1/8th inch
Width = 3 1/4 inch
Thick = 1/8th inch
Weight = 4 Oz
Robin Bird
Length = 5 1/8th inch
Width = 3 inch
Thick = 1/8th inch
Weight = 3 Oz
Length = 5 1/8th inch
Width = 3 1/4 inch
Thick = 1/8th inch
Weight = 4 Oz
Robin Bird
Length = 5 1/8th inch
Width = 3 inch
Thick = 1/8th inch
Weight = 3 Oz
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