Dagobah Don
Sr Member
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Like the title says, has anyone gotten any closer to figuring out what the base flash is for the Barbicon saber?
I agree with all that, but the unit seems like a flash tube. I don't think it was machined, was it?
Then what are those circular holes on either side of the "bulb release" then, that have almost the same size as those found on a Graflex?The main tube has no plug-in holes for flashgun cords either.
<div class='quotetop'>(JunkSabers1138 @ Jul 22 2006, 04:34 AM) [snapback]1285483[/snapback]
Then what are those circular holes on either side of the "bulb release" then, that have almost the same size as those found on a Graflex?The main tube has no plug-in holes for flashgun cords either.
SWEEEEEEEEEEET. Where'd you get those pics?
I'm still skeptical about this being an authentic flashgun :unsure . Maybe it was machined to LOOK like a flashgun. The holes may have been left over from set screws. And if it IS a graflex, how'd they attach the emmiter in such a way that you can see the plug-in holes in the first place (the other ROTJ prop covers them up slightly) AND on TOP of the saber. Wouldn't the emmiter have no place to attach due to the open curve of the graflex?
I remember that, you took the words right out of my mouth. I agree with DARTH SABER, definately would have looked closer to the preivous ones if they had machined it.There was some talk a few years back of the tube possibly being from some hydraulic pump or something... I have a feeling it wasn't from a camera flash though.
It looks almost like the hole on a Graflex where you plug in the attachment to the camera, but it has rough edges, like its been drilled and then filed.Has anyone noticed the holes halfway covered by the shroud in the second pic? What are those for?