Back to the Future II: Marty's Jacket (the holy grail of BTTF props)

Sorry its been a while since my last update... Unfortunately i havent had as much time as i would like to work on this jacket... Thats life right?... Thanks for all the compliments on what i have posted so far... Ive been working on the sleeve bellows the past couple weeks... Molding them up in the correct rubber... I have also been working out the jacket pattern... Its been tough to get the jacket to look just right... Alot of trial and error... Anyway, I should have some new pictures to post in the next week or so...
I wonder where this one came from?
YouTube - Hyper Crush "Keep Up" Official Music Video - Click for HD

Also, back when the BTTF Ride first opened I remember the jackets used to decorate different parts of the Institute of Future Technology - The section where Biff is on TV sneaking around the institute, there was one behind the fence draped over a futuristic looking 10 speed. I wonder if they were also constructed out of the same material the screen used one was.
Hey docbrown88 when you complete this coat are you going to be offering these for sale?.How does one go about making these mass produced cause I'm assuming you wont be making each individual one by hand right? Just wondering as i don't want you or anyone to think I'm hounding you to sell these.
Signed up just for this thread. I'd pay whatever it cost to get one. My only concern would be durability, especially since the original is falling apart, so it may not be wise to duplicate the original process exactly.
Wow, those results are pretty amazing. Can you tell us what Silicone you used and how you managed to get the color so accurate? I've never worked with silicone in the past but I would love to have this jacket.

How much silicone did it take to achieve what you have so far? Lastly, is there a release agent you used to put in the light fixture?

Wow, those results are pretty amazing. Can you tell us what Silicone you used and how you managed to get the color so accurate? I've never worked with silicone in the past but I would love to have this jacket.

How much silicone did it take to achieve what you have so far? Lastly, is there a release agent you used to put in the light fixture?


I used a very flexible like 30-40 shore A tin cure silicone and just used pigments to get the colors... Silicone is fairly easy to work with... But as great as the silicone is; it creates alot of problems at the same time. I found issues getting permanent bonds to other silicone parts. The only way to get silicone to permanentely stick to itself is with more silicone... So with a long cure time; you could imagine this being a problem with assembly...
So, atleast for now, I have decided to make the jackets out of a high grade pre vulcanized latex like the original jackets... I have been really happy with the results... Here is an early test pull from the mold for the sleeve bellows... Its actually just a half of a bellow... Kind of a rough casting but you get the idea... Sorry for the video quality... iphone camera.

YouTube - Back To Future 2015 Jacket Sleeve

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Whoa, this is heavy!
I got a tingling sensation when I watched that video - I'm so stoked you are making such amazing progress!!
So, its been a while since i posted an update... The jacket is basically done... Here is a pic before the collar was permanently attached and before the lining was put in... I consider this one the prototype... I learned alot assembling this jacket of what not to do on the next one... Anyway, this jacket will be auctioned off at the fundraiser for Team Fox on Friday... Anyway, here are a couple of pics...


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