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Anyone see this coming? The story here:
'Avatar' Returning to Theaters in August With Added Footage | Inside Movies
The 'ol "added footage" ploy to squeeze more bucks from a film that I feel has already made enough money. Now don't get me wrong, I loved Avatar but aren't some of you tired of this ploy studios use to soak more money from theater goers to a film that has made enough profit as it is? I've already seen this movie twice...once at IMAX then bought the movie only Blu-ray and will buy the upcoming Blu-ray with added features and hopefully the added footage but I'm not about to run to the theater and spend more money just to see a few extra minutes of the movie. I feel Cameron has enough of my money already. What do you guys think?
'Avatar' Returning to Theaters in August With Added Footage | Inside Movies
The 'ol "added footage" ploy to squeeze more bucks from a film that I feel has already made enough money. Now don't get me wrong, I loved Avatar but aren't some of you tired of this ploy studios use to soak more money from theater goers to a film that has made enough profit as it is? I've already seen this movie twice...once at IMAX then bought the movie only Blu-ray and will buy the upcoming Blu-ray with added features and hopefully the added footage but I'm not about to run to the theater and spend more money just to see a few extra minutes of the movie. I feel Cameron has enough of my money already. What do you guys think?