Avatar Re-release in August with added footage


Sr Member
Anyone see this coming? The story here:

'Avatar' Returning to Theaters in August With Added Footage | Inside Movies

The 'ol "added footage" ploy to squeeze more bucks from a film that I feel has already made enough money. Now don't get me wrong, I loved Avatar but aren't some of you tired of this ploy studios use to soak more money from theater goers to a film that has made enough profit as it is? I've already seen this movie twice...once at IMAX then bought the movie only Blu-ray and will buy the upcoming Blu-ray with added features and hopefully the added footage but I'm not about to run to the theater and spend more money just to see a few extra minutes of the movie. I feel Cameron has enough of my money already. What do you guys think?
Meh, not gonna give Cameron more of my money to watch 8 minutes more of footage. First come the original movie, then directors cut, then extended version, then complete version, then for some reason they find MORE footage and decide to release the definitive cut. Cameron's gonna milk this cow dry.

Not giving him another dime.

Unless of course they somehow managed to insert some kind of plot into those 8 minutes. The rest of the video game movie was pretty enough, and the 3D amazing, but it's certainly not worth spending more money on.
Yes, curse the man for making a profit. Damn him. Making all that money they may never let him make another movie.
I think if they re-released any movie I really liked and wanted to see on the big screen with or without extras I would go see it... Example, put the original Star Wars back on the big screen and I suspect many like myself will go see it... Same with a classic like Gone With the Wind... It's no different with those that love Avatar... And many will simply go see it because they know what it is, you yourself said you saw it at the theater, got the Blu-Ray and are waiting for the new bigger and better Blu-ray... Why not just call it a day after the first viewing, probably for the same reason I outlined above? Out on a date and the lineup at the theater sucks if Avatar is running you at least know what to expect vs god knows what from that movie that you never heard of...

The extra footage is simply a bonus, I highly doubt that a majority of the people going to to see in on the theatrical 2nd run are there for the sole purpose of seeing the few minutes of extra footage...

How soon we forget that multiple theatrical releases was the norm for decades, now people think it's some radical new idea...
Yes, curse the man for making a profit. Damn him. Making all that money they may never let him make another movie.

Yes, curse people for choosing to not spend money on something they choose not to. We should never be allowed to save our money from things we don't want to buy.
How soon we forget that multiple theatrical releases was the norm for decades, now people think it's some radical new idea...

Excellent point!

I won't go see this again, but I can't imagine a reason why they shouldn't be allowed to re-release it... No one forces anyone to go!
Actually I went to the theater twice..once with my family and took a friend the second time..other than that I wouldn't have gone twice. As for the Blu-ray, I wanted a copy in my film library and will give the movie-only version to a friend when I get the added features version when it comes out the end of this year. So no....it wasn't for the same reason.

you yourself said you saw it at the theater, got the Blu-Ray and are waiting for the new bigger and better Blu-ray... Why not just call it a day after the first viewing, probably for the same reason I outlined above?
I missed out seeing it in a theater. Saw it on Blu-Ray and thought it was an OK movie but the depth of field seemed a bit weird. Maybe I'll like it better in 3D. I'm glad I have a chance now to do this.
I missed out seeing it in a theater. Saw it on Blu-Ray and thought it was an OK movie but the depth of field seemed a bit weird. Maybe I'll like it better in 3D. I'm glad I have a chance now to do this.

Pretty much the way I feel, wanted to see it on the big screen but due to my daughters birth just a few weeks earlier I was kinda busy in other things :) and never got to the theater to see it in 3D... Now that I have seen it on the little screen I actually wouldn't mind seeing it at an IMAX in 3D just for kicks...
The new cut will be the same up to Quaritch smiling and saying "That's how you scatter the roaches." Then after the destruction is over it fades and cuts to a big open-pit mine where the tree used to be and I'll like it so much I'll see it twice.

Hey a man can dream.
Hopefully this added footage will explain to the weak minded idiots that Pandora is not a real place and that this is JUST a movie, so don't kill yourselves.