Atlanta Blade Show

franz bolo

Sr Member
Did anyone else go this year?

Some company named Albion had some very cool Conan Swords.

I saw Gill Hibben and he had 2 of the Rambo Prop Knives there.

It was a great trip.

Rick Barrett and myself had a table again this year. Had a few very nice swords on the table for sale but not much interest this year in swords it least for us. :)

Some company named Albion had some very cool Conan Swords.

:lol Of course they did. The late Jody Samson who made the original "conan" swords for the movie was a sword maker at Albion. He came to Albion when they acquired the rights to make the swords and worked with them on those and many other projects over the years until his passing in 2008.
Rick Barrett and myself had a table again this year

Of course they did. The late Jody Samson who made the original "conan" swords for the movie was a sword maker at Albion.

0neiros, I didn't know who they were. Thanks for the info nightrider, I have a Bali-Song that Jody Sampson made. I didn't know he also did the Conan swords.

What table# were you and Rick at? Are you Chris Osborne? I noticed the link on your profile page.

Some company named Albion...You're leg pulling Right?

First thought. :lol

"The late Jody Samson who made the original "conan" swords for the movie was a sword maker at Albion"

But this I did not know. (that he worked for Albion)

I have many of their blades...great swords.

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I can't remember the table number right now, but if you were looking from the front doors we were at the end of our isle and just to the left of the "Jantz Supply" booth(if you remember it). Yes, I'm Chris Osborne.
I can't remember the table number right now, but if you were looking from the front doors we were at the end of our isle and just to the left of the "Jantz Supply" booth(if you remember it). Yes, I'm Chris Osborne.

I will definitely check out your booth next year!! I love the shop you built!!

Here's my favorite pic I took at the show!


Thanks for the compliments and I'll definitely look forward to meeting you then. I've never really thought about it, but there are a great many members here interested in swords. Next year I'll start a "who's attending the Blade Show" thread in the OT so perhaps any RPF members attending can meet up for lunch or something. Rick Barrett is also a huge star wars/sci-fi fan and went to Dragon Con with me a few years back. We did a panel that year on Japanese sword making and polishing. Might do the same thing this year but will have to wait and see.

There used to be a great blade show in Lakeland, Fl. years ago, but sadly it disappeared. I'd met many talented smiths and makers. I'll have to keep an eye out for the Atlanta show.
I went to the show. I was part of the ARMA/Renaissance Martial Arts demo they had on day 2.

‪CAS Hanwei - 2011 Blade show - John Clements / The ARMA‬‏ - YouTube (im in the background)

As for the show, the highlights for me were Hanwei (some GREAT new items!!! Get their Crecy! GET IT!!!!!), Priceless Past (Authentic bronze age weapons), R. Lee Ermy (got a pic with him, had him sign my dad's FMJ DVD as a Fathers Day gift), and of COURSE Albion! Those swords are friggin amazing! I hope to own at least a dozen of them one day. And yes, the Conans were NICE!!! :D