AT-Pod-Speeder thingy!

Guy Cowen

Sr Member
Its time to use up some of my kits on a scratch build, got too much stuff and nowhere to put it.

I'm making this up as I go a long so have no idea what it will be till each piece is added, it'll def be star wars influenced & am thinking a flying rather than land vehicle...who knows but it will get bigger pretty soon as I'm vac forming parts for the body today.

Any how he's the side gun, all kit parts aside for some K&S tubing and T strip.
The Tank part is just there to hold it on the dish it wont be that much of an AT-ST rip off (yet) :lol



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Cheers Mike, I'm really enjoying this free form scratch building lark. Has a few head scratching hours as to how it should look......still no idea but I have come up with the concept for the front (or middle or backend) of the ship. Its going to be quite a large build and the hole front section seen below is going to revolve 360 & have most of the weapons attached to it so it can spin & the guns will spin so as to be able to destroy all the local cats from any angle.

I'm still messing around with placement & idea's, nothing glued as I'm still finishing off the main structure for the spinning gun arsenal.
The 2 tubes will hold wires for lighting & are there for strength also. At the opposite end I will make & fit the spinning mec, when I work out how!!!!!!



My modelling has come to an end again for a month or so so I just had to see how it looked with a spot of primer, mostly so I can work out what scale the thing is.

"I dunno"


Yeah! Somehow the gun looks like it has another design line compaied to the other things. The body feels industrial and SW, the gun feels Mass Effect.
Yeah! Somehow the gun looks like it has another design line compaied to the other things. The body feels industrial and SW, the gun feels Mass Effect.

I agree, just been looking at it & the gun also seems from a different scale also. Easy enough to swap it out :thumbsup
Guy, you can't half work quickly and very cleanly !!
It really feels like a kit of two halfs. The guns brilliantly detailed but because of the curves of the casing and the sophisticated look of it I'd say it comes from the Prequel Trilogy rather than the Original Starwars series. The turret reminds me of part of the Invasion Tanks from Phantom Menace, whilst the body is more like a ship under side part from any of the Originals.
Half of the problem with the prequels is the designs have a neat, smooth appearance and complex surfaces ,probably thanks to all the CAD available. This is the reverse of actual vehicle development, where its blockier,heavier and angular craft that come first, then they get refined. Joe Johnsons hand drawn sketches reflect his experience as a modeller in the 70's and the kits available then, so there is alot of WWII influences in it and they are "conflict practical" craft ,rather than "consumer perfected" . No prizes for guessing which I preffered. Still great work though, and you've time to take a break from it and sketch out the whole thing. Good luck with the tour nd your other work in progress-Cut
Got home for an hour or 2, just couldn't resist adding some of the detail to change this from a gun to a docking port / escape pod.....who knows


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Nice way to lay it on there guy!!!:thumbsup
dtailing is fantastic love the B&W shots!

What up with the PC drove you nuts?:lol
No mate, just want to set decent time to one side for it, dont want to rush with that build.

This is just a quick thrown together fun thing i'm doing in my spare time.......which I ran out of a few weeks a go :)
Guy, ive just clocked this, those last pics look very cool.......ive no idea how its going to look, which, is kinda cool, itll evolve before our very eyes.

Nice way to take a break from the rivet counting, and have some kit bash fun.
