At-Dp pilot/driver armor??


New Member
I am interested in putting together armor of the At-Dp trooper in Rebels.I am pretty sure FAC is working on this kit but I was thinking I might take a shot at building some of the pieces myself.I have plenty of reference photos but I am looking measurements for scaling the pieces to the proper size.I am sure that some of the pieces are moded up pieces from other armor kits but the helmet is the main piece I need measurement for.
Thank you for any help you can give
I'm not sure what the measurements would be, but you could probably get away with using an AT-ST driver helmet and going from there.
I highly recommend checking out the Armored Cavalry Detachment forum: There's loads of discussion about this character over there.

Kevin from KWDesigns has created a brilliant rendition of this kit. It'd certainly help by checking out what he's made.

