Arnold T-800 1/6 head sculpt


Sr Member
Hi Guys!!

I have been working on a 1/6th head sculpt of Arnold with some battle damage. I know that the damage is not as great as the movie, but its what I would like for my 12" model standing beside my endo that I 1/2 scratched.

Any comments are welcome.

I have worked the face more than three times with advice from another forum. First impressions can tell you a lot!!

Thanks in advance

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Not sure.....about the nose or mouth...I don't know !!!
Except that, it looks very good :thumbsup
Hi, I have made some changes, to the nose, mouth, ears, and smoothed the sculpt out a bit. Maybe a little too much.

I have painted with water colours so I can was it off later. The paint alows for a clearer view of the features and an oportunity to see what not right yet.

Any comments are welcome.

The major area I see is the mouth. The upper lip needs to be more defined and the bottom lip needs to be smaller.

Thanks in advance.

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Hi anyone that is interested,

I have finished the endo areas and have worked the hair and flesh around those parts. 90% of that is finished. I gave him a neck, LOL, and built the endo eye. The hair line has been moved up to give him a higher hair line.

I still have areas I need to work, like the lips, and eyebrows, but I will work on those when it has dried.

As always. comments are welcome. I do need advice, as this is my second sculpt and I am working with trial and eror.


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Hi, for those that are interested, I have finished 98% of the sculpt, and put a coat of paint on it. Only to see the flaws. I have a few sharp line that need smoothing over, but mostly I am happy with the sculpt to stand beside my endo which is 70% scratch built.

As always, any comments are welcome.

Thanks for looking

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been watching your updates, i like this, you've done a great job on the head sculpt, welldone, do you intend to do body too??
all the best

Thanks for the comments, yes I am doing the body as well, just not sure how to go about it. re: full sculpt or sculpt and material for a more realistic look.

And the eye is an LED so wil light up when I do the body.

Thanks again for the comments.

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Hi those who are watching!!!

After painting the sculpt, I saw some hard lines and faults I needed to correct. I have done that, and am one step closer to the 1-1 sculpt i have based my 1/6 sculpt on. I am still not 100% there yet but I fel I am getting closer.

Here is the sculpt I have been basing mine on.




I am still open to suggestions.


PS: please understand this is my second sculpt, and any advice and suggestions are welcome education on the subject. TKS
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I think it is really better now :thumbsup

Well done. Perhaps a smaller red LED would have been great but at that size....
Hi guys, I am after a little feedback if you have time, before I finalise my Arnold T2figure to go with my endo I made last year.

I sculpted a head (posted above) which I was reasonably happy with, but as I had not had time to do the body, I purchased (along with other figures) a vinyl kit. The head was toooo small. So rather than start again, I used the head that came with the kit and resculpt that.

This is the kit stock.



Not much of an Arnold likeness is it, LOL.

This is arnold with the makup and prostetics, always the best pic I have see of him at stage 6 battle damage. This is the expression I wanted as well.


Here is my resculpt head (I have painted it, but am up for advice, as I am not confidant with the painting process)




I did some research on Arnold and his proportions to get the figure a littlemore accurate and made some changes to stance, waist, neck etc.

I also wanted the figure to represent the last battle scenes, so I went at him with a knife on his left arm, and made him a granade launcher. (I will make a belt to go round his shoulder etc as well. Not sure if to make that from material or clay? Again coments for improvement, even on body changes are welcome.

Here is the left arm



Here is the right arm with launcher, need to sculpt the broken but out the other side of his hand, any reference pics?



And here is a few shots of him put together. (Not glues yet)




And a few closer shots with neck position (neck to low? or ok)




Thanks in advance for your feedback.

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Nice rework. A shame you bought a recast Horizon kit.

Thanks I think?

As for the inferance I have done something wrong by purchasing a recast Horizon kit, I strongly disagree.

Horizon is a defunct company who no longer produce the kits, hence no loss of revenue to the company!

As far as I am aware no loss of revenue to the artists either as Horison would commission the sculpts and no residual payments or royalties were payed after. No loss of revenue to the artist!

Purchse an original from a third party then I hear you say. Well I would if firstly I could find one (Have purchased two vinyl models claimed to be originals which were clearly copies) and secondly if they were not being sold as collectors items at over 10 times thier value. One could purchse a highly detailed and superior product from a current licenced manufacturer at much lower prices.

I and many other figure builders like the old vinyl figures because they can be manipulated easily and are cheep enough to cut and past to make an original piece. some have great detail and some crap, but I rework all of mine.

The company I have purchased mine from make it very clear they are recasts.

I went to great lengths to try and purchase originals of these kits in the early stages and researched the company.

Having done so, I have no reservations that my actions are not causing loss of revenue to the original producers of the kit, nor damaging anyone else in any other way.

Great job! It looks really awesome.

If I may be allowed my two cents, please take a look at Arnold's skin tone in the photos. Of of the characteristics that makes him look like himself is his tan. He's always bronze and healthy, especially in T2.

The only exception I've noticed to Arnold's healthy look is at the end of the original Terminator film, where his flesh was very wounded and possibly dying (complete with flies!), prompting his landlord to ask if he's got a 'dead cat in there, or what?'.

Once again, great job!
Thanks for that bobguy,

The paint looks much darker in general light, the photo's look much lighter, I will see if I can take another with a different camera. But since it will be under an LED light a darker wash may be whats needed.

Thanks for you imput
Sorry. You just don't get it. The originals are easily had on eBay for less then $50 and in most cases even below $25. Supporting recasters prevent other companies from wanting to ever buy the Horizon kit molds and begin producing original kits from that line. Why should they waste money when people just **** on them anyway.

Do what you will and help ruin things, I'm out.
Dont patronise me, ("Sorry"?)

I am very aware of the debate rageing here on the subject, and having also been on the other side of the fence with original works of my own out there, I "do" and "will" have my own opinion about it without people like you trying to force yours upon me.

By posying here I invited opinion and advice on my work, not moral judgement on my charactor, who do you think you are?

Re:read above what effort I made to purchase direct and/or original. My conscience is clear.

You feel the need to question me, then do so by inviting me to discuss it on a current thread or privately, some people here would simply like to discuss modeling.

Lastly, you obviously know little about the subject you are preaching as the metal cast from horizon, screemin etc have not been offered for sale, as no one was interested when the company closed shop. Vinyl casting is no longer the prefered production choice. any licences once held (RE: Starwars;WBrothers, etc are null and void. No one is going to pic up those originals and relicence them.

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PS: Just reading some of your threads, had a close look at some of your ebay purchases, and admited star wars recasts, man, hypocrisy.
