New Member
Hi there I am looking for people with experience or is willing to challenge themselves in making the armor for ESWAT, by armor I mean head to toe strappings and such. I am going to try some things with the shins and wrist guards but the strapping and chest area are something that is a little different. Any help is fine, except for negative help, that doesn't do any one a but of good
And to answer, no I am not looking for the Briareous helmet, and yes I have seen the guy who did it who also made a gauntlet, like I said I am going to try and make it, if not I will prolly buy it from him if he does any more runs.
Thank you
And to answer, no I am not looking for the Briareous helmet, and yes I have seen the guy who did it who also made a gauntlet, like I said I am going to try and make it, if not I will prolly buy it from him if he does any more runs.
Thank you