Anyone read this?-building an injection molding jig for drill press

Cool idea. Got the metal lathe? I suspect the temperature controller is going to be mildly pricey–the ones I’ve looked into start with a $100 part and go up from there. Heating cartridges are around $20-$30 each. Presumably the book tells how to make short run injection molds from epoxy resins.
It does then leave you with the problem of fabricating you own injection moulding dies.I suppose it might work for low melt gear like friendly plastic but I suspect you'd have to preheat the die to prevent the plastic freezing off as you inject it so I doubt it'll be a fast fabrication method.
Hmm, interesting. I may read it, I may not. Knowledge is power! :lol
Aluminum is a common mold material. If you were to sand cast or CinC a mold you would be in business.

There is also the possibility of using a forgotten technology of semi-flexible molds. These are made with graphite and vulcanized rubber.

This concept looks like it has possibilities.