Just wanted to ask if anyone here has a particular focus to a certain movie,tv series or whatever else.Ive recently decided to dedicate my SW collection to ESB only for a few reasons(mainly space & finances..) and just thought id see if anyone else is in the same boat.I know Steve(or steve the swede?) collects only ESB but havent seen too many other who dedicate their collection to only one of the Star Wars saga.I realised i had to make my collection smaller and decided to got all ESB because even though i saw ANH at the cinema it was ESB that i remember going wild about
There are many here whom collect Batman,Predator or whatever and it would good to hear who collects what and if they collect only certain movies,tv series etc.
There are many here whom collect Batman,Predator or whatever and it would good to hear who collects what and if they collect only certain movies,tv series etc.