Anyone got a Rialto 2006 (Mutt's stiletto knife)?


Master Member
If anyone has one, I'm wondering how easy it would be to disable it (without breaking it!) so that it can be shipped to Europe.

Anyone? :angel
Just take the spring out. Perfectly legal in the UK.
Of course you'd never be able to put it back in legally, but who'd do a thing like that?;)

PS those flick knife combs illustrate how retarded this law is.
Any ideas how to take the spring out?

There are no screws. It's all held together with brass pins, but I'm not sure if they'll just tap out or what.
They do tap out. If you look on some switchblade kit seller's sites, there's often assembly instructions. perhaps? Heck, look on youtube. Any of these help?

Thanks, but those don't really help.
Switchblade "kits" appear to just be combs that people install knife blades into. The video knife has a screw and besides I'm trying to remove the spring, not the blade.

I think I found the pivot point for the spring, but it appears to be a rivet, not a pin.