Anyone ever used this Chrome paint?

I may have to buy a can and try it, but it's $39 a can!!!! Sheesh!
Yes, but apparently you also need a can of their "Lightning Clear" and a can of their "Speed Clear" to achieve the proper results, which are also $39.99 each. Suddenly that Killer Chrome Kit for $115 is looking like a deal.
We had an Alsa rep stop by my work last year and do a demo with some of their products, including the Killer Chrome. It looked alright. A bit brighter than the regular chrome spray paint but nothing to write home about. I was hoping for a bigger bang for the buck but it's possible the guy didn't do it right but how hard can swinging a spray can be?

I'm not sold on the product but perhaps I missed something.
I've always wondered if it was more durable than regular metallic paint. It would be nice to find something that didn't scuff so easily.
I wonder if after drying, you could at least touch it without leaving a fingerprint. Every other chrome paint I try is so fragile about touching and clear coat is no good.
You can get cheaper chrome paint at the hobby/craft store. Just as with the link provided, you will get maximal results if you put clear coat over it. This creates the mirrored effect. I used triple-thick gloss clearcoat on chroming projects with chrome paint.
Every time I have tried to clear coat chrome paint, it dulls it down to a crappy grey color.
You can get cheaper chrome paint at the hobby/craft store. Just as with the link provided, you will get maximal results if you put clear coat over it. This creates the mirrored effect. I used triple-thick gloss clearcoat on chroming projects with chrome paint.

What brand chrome paint/ clear coat do you use? My experience with clear coating is the same as Djinn's. Future works OK but still dulls the finish a bit.
I just used this on a work project, it's pretty good, you have to follow the directions to the letter though. I find having the smoothest, glossiest basecoat is the key, much like the alclad chrome. Also, like the previous poster noted, to get the best clear coat protection you have to get an additional 40 dollar can of speed gloss. Otherwise it will get ruined once handled
I just used this on a work project, it's pretty good, you have to follow the directions to the letter though. I find having the smoothest, glossiest basecoat is the key, much like the alclad chrome. Also, like the previous poster noted, to get the best clear coat protection you have to get an additional 40 dollar can of speed gloss. Otherwise it will get ruined once handled

How's the durability once it's got the speed gloss?
This is good stuff. Used it to chrome a few T2 HKS and it worked great. This is real metal flake and you have to mist it, not just spray it on. Also, you have to wait 24 hrs. to clear coat or it will grey out. If done right it is fantastic!
i was under a tight timeline with the prototype, so I wasn't able to clear coat it with the speed gloss, i could touch the part with a bare finger and the paint was tough enough [after 14+ hours] to not leave a print, but i was pretty sure if i really tried to make a smudge in it i could. Alsa has TWO versions of the gloss, my understanding is you use the lightning gloss UNDER the chrome [which i did] then the speed gloss on top of the fully cured chrome that's how you get the best effect [of course it looked great without a top clear coat, I am just sure it was fragile]
I have been posting about this stuff for a year and find it is not bad and definatly an alternative to plating. A big plus is being able to get the chrome effect on plastics. I am looking into buying their spray chrome set up; will let you know how that goes. I am waiting on some of that Tru Gold Concentrate to see how their gold looks.
I've Alsa's Mirrachrome with an HVLP gun as well as an airbrush. I have yet to try any of their Killer Kans, but if the Kans work as advertised, they're worth the cash.

The first project I tried with this paint was my Jango Fett helmet. I used it as a base to get a proper metallic finish before adding the trim colors. It turned out to be a bit too shiny and I actually had to dull it down by messing up the clearcoat on purpose:



The next project was the pair of my Warhammer 40K Space Marine helmets I painted up. Again, I used it as a metallic base before adding finish colors and battle damage. It was a bit of a heartbreaker to cover up this finish:


Along the way I fell so completely in love with the product I decided to repaint my car:



With the car I got the worst results I've ever had, but I learned more about this paint than with any other project I've used it for before or since. First off: yes, you have to follow the directions. Second: surface prep is key. Not only do you need an absolutely perfect gloss finish underneath the chrome layer, you need to make sure there are no fingerprints or oily residues of any kind left behind. Finally: the paint will hold up to a bit of handling without a clearcoat on top of it. Still, if you want it to last for any real length of time, let the chrome layer cure in a warm, dry environment for as long as you can before you apply the clearcoat over it. If you do it right, this paint will hold up just as well as any other high-end automotive finish.

I've found cheaper versions of chrome paint, but so far I have yet to find a version that looks as convincing. I like their products enough that when I get to talking about them people tend to ask me if I work for the company.
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So how much stuff can you actually do with one of the killer chrome kits? I've been thinking about getting some, but if I only get one helmet out of it, I'll be pissed.
Using a quart kit I was able to do all of the helmets I mentioned above and the car with a tiny bit left over. Since then I've re-done most of the car and used up most of another quart kit in the process.

It takes surprisingly little of this material for each coat and one or two coats is all I used on my helmets shown above.