Anyone ever do Emperor Palpatine's chair?

Prop Nut...

Well-Known Member
I've been doing some searching around, trying to see if anyone has attempted a 1:1 scale Palpatine Throne/Chair?

The closest I've seen was the 501st Belgium's Garrison attempt. it looked pretty good, but I can't get any info on it try try one myself.

Does anyone have info, photos, blueprints, screen caps, etc. to try and make this prop a reality?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Someone HAS done it and I believe was at one of the celebrations. Someone here on the board started one too but didn't see the finished piece. Would also love to see some measurements on it as well. I'm sure the Gentle Giants version is pretty accurate is anyone has that piece.
Thanks for the posts so far, guys. CTF I have see that thread here in the forum, but it seems to have hit a dead end, as no one seems to have completed one and provided any further info on how they built it.

Anyone, Beuler.....Beuler....? :sleep
THanks PJ, I have seen those pics. I was really hoping to hear back from the Belgium Garrison, as they did a really nice one.

there are a couple of guys on who have made them in 1:6th scale... not full sized, I know but there may be some good reference or you might be able to ask them about it. They are pretty decent guys. One was building gonks a while back.