Anyone else see this new product? V rubber grip spray/dipping can


Master Member
Well, you know how large factories make rubber form-fitting grips, on like tools and such? I was at home depot not too long ago, and I saw this product alongside the spray paints. Its in a yellow can from what I remember, and comes in a can, so you can dip it, as well as an actual spray can.

Im pretty sure its new, cause I haven't seen it in all the years I've been going to HD, and Im anxious to see how well it'd work. One thing that came into my mind for using it, was to add a real rubber grip to my Halo Magnum, over the resin body. I think that one detail would make it just more badass.

Anyone else have thoughts on this or have seen this?
I bought some of the exact product you mention....both spray and dip versions. The spray was very thin and needed several coats to build up to any depth. I dipped a couple tool handles in the dip product and it worked fairly well. It was difficult to keep it from running and drying in clumps. It actually dried hard and seems durable. I'd try it and see how it works for you...Hildebeast :thumbsup :thumbsdown
It's called Plasti-dip, and it's not at all a new thing. My first memory of it is from when my father had a can of red that he used on a pair of pliers. I'm 25, and at the time I was probably 8. The spray, however, is not that old.

A lot of batmen use is on cowls. I used it on an airsoft gun once, and it's still on there, even with no primer.