Anyone else looking forward to the QMX Stargate


Master Member
Quite a few sites I have been looking at have the QMX Stargate replica shipping March 7. No word from QMX about it yet but this is one of those pieces I am looking forward to purchasing. Anyone else hear anything or thinking about making the purchase?

Stargate replicas have been hard to find. The best one I have found is the legends replica but at 200 a replica, a bit expensive. Although the detailing is incredible and the case it comes in really super as well.

The mini figures with the stargate seemed to be the next best replica although it is more toy than a serious replica, although for the money...

Xeno's is incredible but expensive. Not solid but from the front an incredible display piece and it can be converted with electronics. Plus the thing is huge.

The absolute best one I have seen is a Youtube video of a full electronic one on the base rotating with full electrical lights and sound. That is the one I would truly like to see offered out there by someone. QMX has noted they wanted to do an electronic one, I hope that it is something like that one.