Anyone display FX hilts only?

cayman shen

Master Member
I'd like to get back into lightsabers, but I can't afford the LEs. Many of the FX hilts look good enough for me to stick in a case for display, provided I figure a way to cover the speakers, but I was wondering if anyone had actually done this.

The ones I'd likely get are the Anakin ROTS, the Yoda, the half Maul, and the upcoming OB TPM and Dooku. Maybe the Luke ANH.
To my knowledge, the Vader is the only one thats almost dead on in size. The ANH Luke is pretty close too.

There are a few threads about them. Do a search.

Whenever I get some money, I may buy one and see about sticking a MPP socket in it.
Actually the most recent Anakin is pretty close in size to a real graflex. Otherwise, the man issue is that LE cases will not fix the FX hilts. The stand legs are not the right size so the saber would not sit properly. But if you were to make your own stands or something, they should be fine. All that matters is that you are happy with them.
I have a bladeless Maul that I display. It's might not be perfect but it looks great IMO. The Luke ANH isn't bad either. It's a tiny bit bigger than a Graflex and some of the little details are off but it looks very good all the same. The only other FX I own is the Anakin AOTC and we won't go into how off that thing is when it comes to size :lol
I have a de-bladed Anakin ROTS and half Maul that I display with my other sabers on Pastor Jedi's stands. Both are slightly bigger than their LE counterparts, but sit in those stands really nicely.
I too once had a double maul that i gutted and displayed, like a few folks here said, its not a bad hilt to have. though as far as sabers go, the FX ANH and ESB vaders are almost dead on. Anakin is pretty close, but still a bit of the fat side.
Anyone got pics of them actually on display?

Not a great shot, but here's mine: