Anybody Have Any Good Trek Concept Pictures?!?!?


Sr Member
Just wondering where to find pictures of star trek concept artwork, I used to have a next generation book that great pics of concept weapons and such, any help would be great!!!
"The Continuing Mission" was great for TNG-era concept art. There was some
striking stuff in "The Art of Star Trek" as well.

Here's a few pieces from my files... a pre-TOS Bridge design by either Pato Guzman or Matt Jefferies, I forget


Very early concepts for the USS Enterprise



Closing in on the final configuration

Great pics phase pistol, thanks very much, i'm really looking for some pics of weapons and such, wanna start making some concept pieces!!!
I worked as the sole modelmaker for the Collectors DVD cases- I made the Box prototypes for DS9, Original, Voyager etc, as well as an awsome concept for 'Nemesis' that wasnt used.
Sadly, I didnt get anything in the way of props ................
StLouisKid has done some astounding "concept" work, though I beleive they were all his original designs. I hope he chimes in and posts pictures.

Those sketches are all really great, and I 'd love to see someone realize them in resin. Best of luck!
I love concept work so much, I really want to start some concept phasers, not shure where to start though, maybe, a cross between a tos and. Dustbuster, still deciding
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