What kind of metal? I have done a variety and could tell you what worked for me(I might even have some scrap around to test on) Some stuff you can use a buffing head on a bench grinder with the proper rouge(polishing compound) but some metals are pretty soft and you would need to hand polish them using Flitz, Simichrome, or a similar hand polish. If the parts are chromed you can use Quick Glo(Can be hard to find) It will clean up light pitting and can give amazing results(It sucks on anything but chrome.
Some metals you would need to wet sand to get it smooth enough to begin polishing
Like chucky says if the pitting is deep you will have a problem eliminating them. Using solder would be a limited solution. It will only work on some metals and it might show as much as the pitting.
If I Remember Correctly (and DerekH, correct me if my memory's faulty)
Shapeways is using stainless steel. I've been fortunate enough to be one of the few people that he's allowed to see the pieces he wants to polish, and they're badly pitted, as are all the metal pieces produced by Shapeways. They say that they produce their pieces by PRINTING them. Not entirely sure how that works, especially with stainless steel, but that's their claim. And everything they make comes out a bit rough. Even the plastic pieces may need some sanding to be smooth enough to be satisfactory.
I'm not sure if DerekH is ready to reveal his project to the world, so I'll just show pics of a couple sample pieces seen on the Shapeways site:
Shapeways stainless steel "bar ring":
Shapeways stainless steel bottle opener:
So you can see there the problem he's talking about: Fairly uniform pitting all over the pieces they produce. But they're low cost, and they're stainless steel, so it's an affordable way to get metal props replicated inexpensively. If you can provide them with a 3D CAD render of the item, they can produce it for you in either plastic or metal at a very reasonable price. He just needs methods to polish down the stainless steel to get rid of the pitting and to achieve the finish that he's looking for. :cool
Derek, hope I haven't inadvertently said too much with this post. Just trying to assist you in obtaining the desired info as quickly as possible, so you can start perfecting the polishing techniques.