Any other Delorean owners here?


Sr Member
Just wondering what other prop geeks other than myself ( seems like alot of us)own a Delorean. And how often do you consider "the transformation" :)
Myself I own an 81 automatic...and only think about it 20 times a day...never considered it until I saw Oliver Hollars car in NC.
I have a fluxcapacitor and that about it...for now :love
Originally posted by howlingwind13@Jan 12 2006, 10:59 PM
Just wondering what other prop geeks other than myself ( seems like alot of us)own a Delorean.  And how often do you consider "the transformation" :)
Myself I own an 81 automatic...and only think about it 20 times a day...never considered it until I saw Oliver Hollars car in NC.
I have a fluxcapacitor and that about it...for now :love

I have a Mr. Fusion. I don't have the rest of the car yet. ^_^
Just wondering what other prop geeks other than myself ( seems like alot of us)own a Delorean. And how often do you consider "the transformation" :)
Myself I own an 81 automatic...and only think about it 20 times a day...never considered it until I saw Oliver Hollars car in NC.
I have a fluxcapacitor and that about it...for now :love

Only in my sweet sweet dreams.
ive got a 78 vette...

thought it would be funny to make a corvette summer car... :p

its in a famous movie with mark hamill :lol

man they 70s that thing up, it was hideous... but i love vettes and i mean luke skywalker has the lead roll and gets to hook up with annie potts.

derail over.

if you ever do it you know where to send some pics.

seen plenty O batmobiles and general lees in perosn in my day, but never seen a BTTF delorean. that would be a head turner to say the least.
I have an 81. Bought it when I was in high school. It has not been on the road for many years though................................
Mine is about $3000. from being a daily driver, this summer the air conditioning line blew It gets quite warm in the car. :angry So there's another thing to the list
I have my 82 manual daily driver. It's a good a car. Lot's of work but I do it all myself.

I NEVER considered the change - I love BTTF but... uh... I love the DeLorean more. Plus I would need to get a new luggage compartment cover (hood) with the ridges...
I have an 81 automatic. Been a member of Gary's board since the day it went online. While I'm a HUGE fan of BTTF, (I would never have bought a DeLorean if it wasn't for the movies), I would not convert my only DeLorean to a time machine. Maybe one day after I own a house and have lots of spare money I'll buy a second one and convert that.
I've always wanted to get a delorean and passed up many of them due to high prices in the past. The gas prices lately have also made me think twice about getting a car that isnt as economical as a small foreign sedan or something. I drive a lot. I used to check classifieds all the time for them specifically. I'd say its the one car ive thought about owning more than any other. If I find one for a good deal someday I'll take it. If anyone here doesnt want theirs due to maintenance that is expected on it, let me know if you want to sell. I still think it would be such a fun car. I wouldnt convert it though. Most people are pricks and would probably vandalize it or steal expensive components from it in a parking lot. I wouldnt want to worry about it all the time.
so you dudes with the daily driven Ds... what kind of problems do you guys see on a regular basis? is it true that as long as you drive the cars, they're fairly bulletproof, reliability-speaking? i think it's hilarious seeing Ds with 100,000 miles fetching more on ebay than Ds with 20,000...
Originally posted by d_osborn@Jan 13 2006, 04:57 AM
so you dudes with the daily driven Ds... what kind of problems do you guys see on a regular basis? is it true that as long as you drive the cars, they're fairly bulletproof, reliability-speaking?  i think it's hilarious seeing Ds with 100,000 miles fetching more on ebay than Ds with 20,000...

So true. After doing a repair and starting the car up it never drives as good as after a week of regular driving. My biggest issue is with voltage. For whatever reason I don't get stable power. The car never dies but it doesn't get that nice constant 13 volts all the time either. But generally the car performs a little ifferent each time I drive it. Again - mostly because of power distribution.
Also they can be notorious for overheating. BUt this can be typical for rear engine cars. Mine got air in the cooling line and I have since made an air bleed byppass which constantly bleeds the lines so that I will not have that probalem again.
Main thing is to understand your own car. In which case even if you get stuck on the side of the road this car is simple enough to do road side sevice on.
I saw a Delorean in Sheffield England a few weeks ago, is that anyone here?

H-S how did you do the bleed thingy on your car?

Originally posted by Hand-Schaub@Jan 12 2006, 11:15 PM

Main thing is to understand your own car.  In which case even if you get stuck on the side of the road this car is simple enough to do road side sevice on.

That's excellent advice for ANY car.
case in point - My 67 VW Bug
"side-of-the-road repairs" I've done;

Replace belt (no biggie)
replace points
replace throttle cable
replace clutch cable
replace R/F wheel bearings & races
replace generator
replace Voltage regulator
rebuild carburetor
replace ignition switch

wow, now that I've made this list
good thing I sold it
Actually, I miss the car a whole bunch & am thinking of getting another :(
I'm on my second Delorean. First one was a smoothed hood 82 with standard 5-speed... Needless to say, I converted it :)


We ended up selling it and buying a new house. That gave me a good sized garage to go ahead and buy car #2 to start a conversion. This one has the proper 2nd generation hood...


Just getting things started now. I expect some MAJOR progress on the conversion by spring and will hopefully have the car more or less done by summer/fall 06...

Originally posted by maniacman7@Jan 12 2006, 05:32 PM

LOVED that movie


Funny, I've never seen this flick, and it just so happens to be on right now. Speed channel I think.. hahaha