Another "Mal" pistol from Firefly


Active Member
Greetings, all. New to the board, but long-time lurker. I recently purchased a resin copy of Mal's pistol from Firefly, and came to this board for finishing and painting pointers. If all works well, the pictures will be attached. This is the first time I have ever painted a resin gun and weathered it, so please give me some critical feedback.

Thank you in advance,



Paints used were everyday Testor's Flat Black, Gloss Black, and Gold. Multiple layers of Flat Black, followed by multiple layers of gold, all painted over with the Gloss. Then, judicious use of sandpaper and touch-up paint.
Mighty spiffy job. :thumbsup

Welcome to the forum. Glad to see another Firefly fan. :)

/Joe F