Another IronMan/War Machine Build


New Member
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after many many months of reading, my friend and I are about to embark on a ironman, War Machine build. The plan is to have these two complete suits done for Halloween 2011.

We just printed the two helmets on 110lbs card stock and we are about to give this pepakura a try. Any recommendations for our first go at it?

Thanks guys for the all the help

take your time.... this is not a project to be rushed. be patient with your sanding. and once you fiberglass it dont rush with lots of bondo. Putting on too much will make sanding a night mare.
I started a War Machine Sept.28.10 hoping to have it done for Halloween 2010. Still lots of work to be done. I went with a mid def. helm in order to finish it in time, the rest of the parts I'm using are Juice's files.

I used loctite gel super glue to glue the pep together where as I used to use "hold the foam" foam white glue. The loctite is much better as it sets much quicker.
I started a War Machine Sept.28.10 hoping to have it done for Halloween 2010. Still lots of work to be done. I went with a mid def. helm in order to finish it in time, the rest of the parts I'm using are Juice's files.

I used loctite gel super glue to glue the pep together where as I used to use "hold the foam" foam white glue. The loctite is much better as it sets much quicker.

Yep superglue gel best stuff. :thumbsup And when you go to harden your parts make sure you brace them well, really well and lay on the resin (either urethane or polyester) in light coats or it will warp your pieces. Good luck on the build.
yeah most of those are pretty good/current files. I like the idea of a central hub for all things iron man pepakura related! not a bad idea whoever started it
Hello all!

I'm burton's friend undertaking the war machine build. I was slacking a bit joining and adding to this thread as i was working on my helmet.

My first time tackling this type of thing and had no idea what to expect.

Just finished pep'ing my helmet. Thought i would share a few pictures of it.
Burton is having issues with his helmet, everything was pretty much number what i had to glue, his iron man helmet on the other hand seems to have a bunch of pieces just not number and he has no idea where to connect them, he might chime in and explain it better as im sitting here watching him try to piece it together right now..

Onto some pictures.



a fabulous pep indeed! :) awesome job. sorry to say this but the guy above is correct, there is a MUCh more accurate version of the helmet :)
Don't be sorry. I think whats going ot happen is Burton and I are going to do a different Pep of his iron man helmet than after that we are going to finish out my War Machine pep, all the way to paint to kinda iron on the kinks to make sure we dont screw anything up on the other helmets first. Than after that im going to do the one recommended for the war machine.
let the cutting begin... again. Today we pep iron mans helmet.

After resin should we use bondo? or is there a better faster material to achieve better results ?
I don't think your pieces will be strong enough with just a few coats of resin. I dropped my helmet with just resin on it, prior to adding fiberglass and it started cracking. I think most people re-enforce with fiberglass, but there are a couple of different methods of strengthening your pepped pieces.

Stealth has suggested smooth cast 320 and 321 for people who don't want to deal with the fumes of fiberglass resin. But I think you should definately strengthen your pieces more than just using a few layers of resin.
If you don't want to work with fiber glass look into using Rondo its a 1:1 resin & bondo mixture that hardens about as hard as bondo but flows closer to resin allows you to sludge cast.
If you don't want to work with fiber glass look into using Rondo its a 1:1 resin & bondo mixture that hardens about as hard as bondo but flows closer to resin allows you to sludge cast.

Just so you know, you don't have to use a 1:1 ratio with rondo. You can play with the mixture to see what works best for you. You don't need to be exact with it. But don't forget to add the hardener for both your body filler and resin. Although on the resin, you don't need as much IMO. Hope this helps.

Also, here is a link to ben streepers videos from the 405th. He shows everything you need to know about hardening a helmet. YouTube - Reach Rondo with Lee aka Part 4_clip0.avi