Anigrand Star Destroyer Build Thread


Sr Member
I've finally gotten a kit I wanted for a long time, but could never really justify getting. With a bit of a windfall in January, I decided I could finally afford an Anigrand Star Destroyer to fit in with the rest of my Imperial Battle Fleet - which currently consists of two Venators in the same scale.

In any case, I got the kit some five days after it was shipped out. I didn't get this directly from Anigrand, as they got hit with a Cease and Desist order, but from someone who purchased the kit over a year ago but never even opened it.

So, this is what I got.



As you can see, the pieces are well wrapped, but that didn't stop many of them from being warped or damaged. One of the lower terraces on the starboard side was actually cracked in half, and there are many unidentifiable pieces of resin in the box which I'm sure will find their way back onto the ISD soon enough.


So, there are the parts. First impressions are both good and bad.

Firstly, the detailing is exquisite, very clean and sharp. It'll look like a great kit when all's said and done.

However, there are far more problems than benefits. The fitting of the parts is atrocious - there's more than a quarter inch of extra resin in some places, particularly along the hull. On the bottom of the terraces, the edge is bubbled, and there are injection marks which are impossible to remove. The fit is terrible, and the hangar will require massive cleanup to fit in the bottom of the hull. The hull itself warps horribly, more than an inch up and down along the length of the model, and the trenches are actually warped in two directions, which is going to require a hell of a lot of effort to get straight.

All in all, I'm pretty satisfied with it, but I wish that they'd done a better job casting it. The design of the kit isn't the most intelligent I've seen, but with a lot of work, I think this will be the centerpiece of my collection.

More tomorrow.
It's not too bad a build up. Warped parts and hull gaps aside.
I found a pretty logical order for assembly that worked for me and some others that tried it.
I didn't light mine so that might make my method a problem for those that do.

I contributed my build up information in this thread including a tie wrap trick that helped a lot.

It's worth the effort as it is a beautiful kit that finally fullfilled a modeling dream.
That old kit from the eighties was a blight on modeling! I remember being very disappointed opening the box back then. LOL

Here is how mine turned out.......

HUGE! Sci Fi Dynamics (Anigrand) Star Destroyer by CessnaDriver
Yeah, I'm using your build as a base. I'm following yours to the letter, and I'm doing my best to fill everything too. It'll be tough.
I think patience on getting the parts to fit as best as possible is the key.
I spent a lot of time heating parts and weighting them overnight to get them to mate properly and straight, or at least close enough such that when I glued them they would stay straight as possible. Slow drying superglue was helpful when putting the big hull assemblies together, gives you time to make adjustments then clamp in place to dry.
The greatest thing I think I learned for this kit is test fitting, I did it over and over. I think I might have used a small shim here or there as well along the trenches and hull mating areas to help things along.

Look forward to watching your progress.
I never get tired of looking at this model, and seeing more builds join the fleet is aweswome to see.
I'm very excited about it. I straightened the hull last night with a blow-drier, but I still have tons of work to do. Once the hull's together, though, we should be in pretty decent shape - the terraces are all pretty true, and the bridge doesn't look too bad. I think I'll get it done over the next week or so.

Did you use an internal structure?
I'm very excited about it. I straightened the hull last night with a blow-drier, but I still have tons of work to do. Once the hull's together, though, we should be in pretty decent shape - the terraces are all pretty true, and the bridge doesn't look too bad. I think I'll get it done over the next week or so.

Did you use an internal structure?

Just in the middle, some girder work spanwise with styrene sprue to support the hull where the gap is, especially because that is where I was going to be putting filler and styrene squares and such to hide the seam, didn't want it to buckle or flex along that seam. Other then that it's holding together fine without any extra internal structure, once it's all glued together I think it supports itself well. I can pick it up and handle it just fine without concern.
I'm curious to know if either of you got these from trekkerman on that auction site. He seems to have an endless supply of them. Wondering if they're directly from anigrand with this quality or if someone is recasting. It'd be nice to know before pulling the trigger on one of the kits.
I'm curious to know if either of you got these from trekkerman on that auction site. He seems to have an endless supply of them. Wondering if they're directly from anigrand with this quality or if someone is recasting. It'd be nice to know before pulling the trigger on one of the kits.

I bought mine from Anigrand directly back when.
The shipping box above looks like the one Anigrand used for mine.

Recasting these would be tough I think because the fine details are pretty impressive, and it all has to fit together fairly well, but I'm not knowledegable on the limits of recasting.

Maybe there is an underground pathway for the kits still.
Mine's from a guy over on Starshipmodeler. I don't know if it's the same guy, but he had a different username, so I'm not sure.

This quality is very surprising, though, both the good and bad, and no one mentioned how bad the cleanup was in the original thread. It could be recast, but I sincerely doubt it. Besides, my resin is the same color as the resin in the old thread.
I'm curious to know if either of you got these from trekkerman on that auction site. He seems to have an endless supply of them. Wondering if they're directly from anigrand with this quality or if someone is recasting. It'd be nice to know before pulling the trigger on one of the kits.

trekkerman214 was able to get his hands on what I beleave to be the last remaining stock before the cease and desist.
They are not recast.

I look forward to seeing your build. I have finished one and I am currently working on another. I have a third on its way. All are commission builds.
FYI, The first commission was for trekkerman214.
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This thing's really coming's just one of those builds that doesn't get photographed, lol. The fit is so bad on some parts of it that it's unbelieveable. Ah well.

Probably going to be ready to paint in a few days, but I've got a lot of filling to do, along with wrestling with the trench belt on the port side.
That was fast! I'm sure I was still bungling with fit issues at this point. LOL

We really need to get a photo montage of the known built fleet someday.
I was thinking the same. That, and names. I'm in - we know where at least four of them are, right? We can assume that fewer than 100 exist, so they shouldn't be too difficult to hunt down.
Thanks. Steve Neill is doing one, and dyssst (speling?) has done two of these. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to help you out - they know what they're doing, to say the least. Lol.
I have finished one of these (for dlbsyst) and I am currently working on two more. One for FuseNova and the other was just started yesterday.

Jm419 is correct, if anyone needs some help or advice all you have to do is ask. I will be more than glad to assist in any way that I can. Just shoot me a PM.
His turned out far better than mine did - ooh, lights!

So, how many of these do we know of? Mine, yours (x2), Steve's, CessnaDriver' that it? Five?