ANH Vader Project


Sr Member
Here is my pet project. ANH Vader, I'm still not quite happy with the Chest box. I'm not sure the about the measurements. It's 6 & 3/4 inches by 6 & 3/4 inches, which I think is right but it doesn't look right to me. Also, not happy with the cape but it'll do for now. Let me know what you think.
Welcome to the forum and it looks like a good start, of course there is always room for upgrades. :)

Is that you in the costume or is it on a mannequin? He looks like he was bad and sent to the corner. :confused
Welcome to the forum. Think he was saying he looked thin.

Personally, I'd buff up the mannequin a bit, pull the front of the armor further up towards the neck, pull up the chest box as well as the belt and cod - the belt should basically be around his midsection (belly button). Then things may not look so stretched and awkward.
think he meant malnutritioned not bright..... lookin good by the way you should received plenty of feedback from the gang. There';s a ton of Vader fans aboot.

ya I said aboot........

dangit! thought I smelt something around here.....Garlic hit the nail on the head
good start so far
Besides the other advices, take an eye on the belt and correct the placement of the pieces.

.. and don't serve him too much snacks ;-)
The Helmet I belive is the 1st version of the SPFX with the narrow neck. The The Chest Armor is also from SPFX. The Belt boxes, buttons and buckle are from Russ Rep. Not sure about the shin armor. I bought the Chest Box from ebay.