ANH Kenobi transistors

So, I have to update. Because there's been no definite answer - I personally like the look of amplifiers more. The lower profile just seems more pleasing to my eye, and that's how I interpret those screen caps of the saber falling onto the cloak. That being said, anyone who isn't finicky about the code - Kyle these transistors are spot on.
Though I'm picky. I'll save these or share them with people.

I just got the MD's in the mail and they are low profile as well. Coincidentally, Roman's transistors are also low profile..there's .5 mm of difference between these and his (I have a pair) and fit just as well into the washers he makes. (yay!) I'm currently trying to break through that super dense material inside without a router bit to no avail.
Those are nearly identical to the amplifiers glen posted earlier, except the TO-5 amplifiers have rounded edges, which I'm sold on by those screencaps.....

however, this may all be moot - we're missing something, a spacial problem - There appears to be four lines of text or at least a space beneath the logo, instead of three lines of text. are we sure it's a transistor or amplifier?!

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Everywhere I look, I see three centered lines of text, or two, or even four but the larger code comes first.
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So I came across one with 4 lines of text... Im wondering if the shortness of the lines seen on the chronicles pictures is just some of the numbers having been scratched off... This one is dated 1969, though it has the taller profile.

Screen Shot 2015-05-27 at 5.29.11 PM.png
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