Andromeda prop, need info.

Originally posted by Reaper57@Feb 20 2006, 11:13 PM
i saw this auction on Ebay.

it says it is a background pistol used on the show. :angel

does anyone recognise it as seen on screen.

i found the base gun and was thinking of doing it up like the pic if it is legit. :p

john :cool

I have seen off the rack toy guns in the show very often. Tyr usually was using them. I know you can find that one in Toys R Us right now ( if others are looking for it ). I did see that pistol being used in a game of some sort on the show. Sorry no details I only remember it from some channel surfing.

That gun was also used as a base for a power rangers gun (of which i will offer casts in the junyard soon, molded of Rudolpht's screen used piece :))

