Anakin glove

Claudio, AKA customsprops on eBay, makes the best leather glove available.

If you're making an Anakin costume, please join our forum at We have all the info you could need, including pics and reviews of Claudio's gloves.

mine isnt as amazing as your being its my first costume i made id be honored to join. all i need is the glove to complete it.

The forum is for beginners and the experienced alike, all are welcome!

And if you're looking to pick up one of these gloves, definitely go through Primrodo. He's a trustworthy guy and since he has a Claudio glove already you won't have to wait to have one made.
Has anyone ever attempted to make a 1/4 scale Anakin glove?

I've been struck with the desire to try and find one somehow so that I may dress my Anakin Premium Format figure with a leather glove as the sculpted polystone glove looks a little out of place with the fabric and leather of the rest of the costume.