American Psycho Paper Prop--UPDATE! MADE! Check new post


Sr Member
Anyone know where I could get a link to a printable business card of Patrick Bateman's from theis movie? It's fairly easy I guess, but I have no skills or a program to fix it up and make it look good like I have seen some of you do. Any help would be appreciated.
Alright, I found a screen cap, only one problem, I cannot decipher half of the bottom line. If anyone has extremely good eyes, or can recognise the text, please, I would appreciate it.

358 Exchange Place New York N.Y, 10099 Fax 222 555 6390 telex 20 4534

thats what it looks like to me
I thought it said 358 exchange place too, but then I thought the building was called 1st exchange place in the movie, can anyone veify this?
It's a lot of different fonts. Some of the more fancy looking letters are monotype corsiva. But I would reccommend you just play around with it.
"Mergers and Acquisitions" , but the second word is misspelled "Aquisitions"

btw, you guys do know that I work for a business card printing company, right? ;)

I have been meaning to get this one made up, I just havent had time. If someone makes the graphics, I can get it printed, very cheaply :D

cheers adamata
i think this a nice one to taclkle
the fonts are mixed
and different hights
i like a challenge

well i just did a quick layout just a couple of minutes messing about
a lot more work to be done on this yet
any and all ideas are welcome


oops just noticed the name patrick is all in caps
and mine is not
ok, Looked at the one I made, and the fonts that matched up near perfect with the letters were as listed:

All numbers at top: Monotype Corsiva
Pierce and Pierce Name: Garamond
Mergers and Acquisitions: Arial
Patrick Bateman and Vice President: Times new Roman
358: Monotype corsiva
and Use times new roman for the rest of the line, except for the last 2 sets of numbers (20 4534) which are "Tunga" font

Hope that helps. By the way, I made mine, but when I made it into a picture file, it was very hard to read when printed, so, if anyone wants to fix the one I made up, I would be glad to send it so you can make it more like the one above, with the lines around it and such, since I don't have any specialty picture programs.
Alright, few minor changes, but here is my current layout. Let me know what you think, I stayed up late last night for this one. lol

<div class='quotetop'>(adamata @ May 13 2006, 01:17 PM) [snapback]1243702[/snapback]</div>
"btw, you guys do know that I work for a business card printing company, right? ;)


So, is there really a style of business card called "scillain rail"??

BTW are you sure it's "Mergers and Acquisitions" or "Murders and Executions"?? :D

<div class='quotetop'>(adamata @ May 13 2006, 01:17 PM) [snapback]1243702[/snapback]</div>
"Mergers and Acquisitions" , but the second word is misspelled "Aquisitions"

btw, you guys do know that I work for a business card printing company, right? ;)

I have been meaning to get this one made up, I just havent had time. If someone makes the graphics, I can get it printed, very cheaply :D


I'm gonna be interested if you do a run. :D

I'm also interested in at least 2 if the price is right. If it's insanely low then I'll get several.

I was in contact with a guy in New Mexico who had sets of the originals made for the production from a solid contact he had at New Line where he had first dibs on props and costumes before they cleaned house and sent them to auction. He was selling the supposed originals for a pretty penny a while back but when I contacted him a year later he said he has sold them all. Then I saw several up on Ebay a while later, again for alot of money.

I've always wanted one and so has a friend of mine. Such a great flick and an intersting character, to say the least.
Sorry guys, but I had to pull a couple of posts out of this thread. Pms will be sent to those individuals. It's been a long standing rule around there, but it bears repeating...

Selling or advertising product for banned members is not allowed on the RPF.
<div class='quotetop'>(spiderfan11 @ May 13 2006, 10:01 AM) [snapback]1243415[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>(mez7 @ May 13 2006, 10:44 AM) [snapback]1243438[/snapback]</div>
358 Exchange Place New York N.Y, 10099 Fax 222 555 6390 telex 20 4534[/b]

<div class='quotetop'>(shuktuki @ May 14 2006, 02:25 AM) [snapback]1243703[/snapback]</div>

When I saw the first pic above, I, too, thought the area code for the FAX number was "222."

But after examining the image more closely, I'd like to suggest that it's a "1." Because the font is so stylized, it looks at first glance like a "2," but take a real good look at that top shot again and see if it doesn't turn into a "1" before your very eyes. :)

In addition, it makes much more sense for the area code of the FAX to match the area code of the phone number, "212" (which is a real New York area code).

What do you think?

FAX 212 555 6390
<div class='quotetop'>(rocketeer25 @ May 14 2006, 04:23 PM) [snapback]1244209[/snapback]</div>
Selling or advertising product for banned members is not allowed on the RPF.
What he said.

More PMs to people on the way...