ALIENS M41A Pulse rifle.


Well-Known Member
Here is my completed pulse rifle. Made from real SPAS cage and pump handle, HCG thompson, Phil S vent and stock and matsuo shrounds, ammo counter and remington.

You can see the build up thread here...The Aliens Legacy • View topic - Hero PR build. **FINISHED**






Thank god i´m not that much into Aliens but that truely is stunning!
Great work, one of the best i´ve seen lately! :eek:thumbsup
I have always loved mine too, always like to see someone have a hero version ,its costly ,but well worth it congratulations ,indeed a work of art ,putting one together ,even though it feels like forever,but definetly a beautiful prop, Guy Young
The gentleman knows what he is doin' my hats off to him, i had to look at it again ,couldnt pass it up ,now i have to go upstairs ,and stare at my pulse rifle for a little while ,i think .......guy young
Been following this build thread on The Legacy as it went along. You really have done a fantastic job.
The paint finish and subtle weathering is great too.

Are you going to add a sling to it as well?
That is a thing of beauty. At first, I thought it might have been the airsoft conversion kit, but that doesn't have the 'awe' that this appears to!
Always been a big fan of fav move of that series and your Pulse rifle is so sweet :D
You could photoshop the black and white sizing sticks onto those pics and it'll look like the real props!!
Envy is too weak a word.......... ;)