Aliens IV Auriga


Sr Member
Hi all,
Looking for some good all around shots of the Auriga from Alien IV. Anyone got a line on some?
Lots (well -- 10 to 20)

Drop me a PM; I don't have them on a web site but for a few bucks to cover shipping and the disc, I'll shoot you a CD.
Originally posted by PHArchivist@Jan 4 2006, 02:38 PM
Lots (well -- 10 to 20)

Drop me a PM; I don't have them on a web site but for a few bucks to cover shipping and the disc, I'll shoot you a CD.

PM sent. Thanx PH.
minieffects, I sent you a PM. Please read and get back to me. Fantastic work on that digital resume there. Just fantastic. Talk to you soon.
