Alien Tail As Predator Dreadlocks


New Member
i've been thinking about how it would look to see alien tails as pred dreads,my son was keen on the idea so he drew me a pic,hope u like it :)

Do you mean full sized tail end's as in trophies? As they would be far too large.
Or Xeno tail styled dredd's? Which could possibly look pretty decent with the ridges & spiked end's etc.   

Worth trying out, I wonder if anyone has already done so?
just thinking about small xeno dreads.maybe some normal dreads, some xeno,mix it up a bit.just a thought so far.a bit of green blood on the tips too.if it can be done,i was thinking about some nice highlights to differentiate the xeno from the normal ones.
They actually did this for the Predalien in AVPr.    The dreads were small xeno tails.
damn,back to the drawing board then.have they done the dreads face hugger style or small chestburster heads?
munson said:
They actually did this for the Predalien in AVPr.    The dreads were small xeno tails.
How did I not remember that!....... Apart from the fact it's a forgettable movie 