Alien: Covenant (Prometheus Sequel)

Yeah, although she ain't coming back.

They really wrote Shaw into a corner when it came to her religious side (i.e. her ONLY side). Despite being a scientist, she is the most close-minded person when it comes to just about everything. Engineers created humanity? That means nothing to her because now she asks "Who created them?". And after everything she's been through, she puts her cross necklace back on to show that she hasn't lost faith. While this was no doubt intended to show how strong her convictions are, it falls flat on the ground because the film never gave us a hint that she had issues with her faith. Faith alone doesn't make your character interesting, especially if they're so inflexible about it.
I kinda feel like this whole "Shaw's not in it" thing is a ruse - like, she shows up at the end and she's half Alien or something, setting up the next one.
They really wrote Shaw into a corner when it came to her religious side (i.e. her ONLY side). Despite being a scientist, she is the most close-minded person when it comes to just about everything. Engineers created humanity? That means nothing to her because now she asks "Who created them?". And after everything she's been through, she puts her cross necklace back on to show that she hasn't lost faith. While this was no doubt intended to show how strong her convictions are, it falls flat on the ground because the film never gave us a hint that she had issues with her faith. Faith alone doesn't make your character interesting, especially if they're so inflexible about it.

That is the very nature of faith, belief without proof or equivocatin.
That is the very nature of faith, belief without proof or equivocatin.

And I wouldn't have a problem with that if Shaw wasn't a scientist. Unfortunately,

Guy: Do you have anything to back that up?
Shaw: I don't. But it's what I choose to believe.​

Faith and science are two very different things. As you've described, faith means believing in something without proof. A huge part of science is all about discovering proof. You start with a theory, you search for facts, and if these facts can be used as prove that your theory is correct, congratulations! Your theory is correct! But here, on this very expensive expedition leading to what may be the biggest scientific discovery in mankind's history, our lead scientist is using 'faith' to explain why she believes she's correct. That... is... wrong...
I'm sure they are going to write her out in some way. David having dispatched her before or as they arrived. David calling this ship to this planet. Maybe having something to do with what happens to this crew. Or he's a part of the engineers in someway now. Who knows. Little surprises me after Prometheus.
looks kinda familiar... like the top of a pyramid temple.... and a predator thru out his wrist bomb... HARD R?? has any movie been released with a hard R:confused I am thinking it will probably be cut to PG-13. gotta try and feed the mass market first. then wait for the UNRATED DIRECTOR'S CUT. I will give it a shot regardless :popcorn
looks kinda familiar... like the top of a pyramid temple.... and a predator thru out his wrist bomb... HARD R?? has any movie been released with a hard R:confused I am thinking it will probably be cut to PG-13. gotta try and feed the mass market first. then wait for the UNRATED DIRECTOR'S CUT. I will give it a shot regardless :popcorn

One of the more obvious problems with Prometheus was that they shot the film both ways. There's hardly any profanity in the film (They even blur out an f-bomb), most scenes that involve blood have their own dedicated shots that could easily be cut out and there is literally a PG-13 version of the surgery scene on the Bonus Features. If Covenant is committed to being rated R, it will definitely feel more like an R-rated movie than Prometheus did.
New image!


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so a new ship and crew goes to a far far away planet..... and when they get there its ONLY inhabitance is david?? :confused "welcome! you must be thirsty... want some champagne?" "oops my finger tip slipped into the glass... sorry about that..."
So... no Shaw? Already seems weird. I'm guessing she got on Ridley Scott's bad side somehow so he wrote her out of the sequel?
Too early to even form an opinion.
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So... no Shaw? Already seems weird. I'm guessing she got on Ridley Scott's bad side somehow so he wrote her out of the sequel?
Too early to even form an opinion.

what if they have just recast her with this new actor? Has anything explicitly said the character wont be back?

edit: nevermind I see now that she has a name that isn't Shaw