Ah, New Acquisition!...LAWS SC Helmet


Sr Member
Been waiting for this one for awhile...the LAWS Snowtrooper Commander helmet. One word...WOW! He's outdone himself....my new fave lid (for awhile anyways! ;) )


With flash, so you can see the crisp detail...

Helmet back detail...
Looks very nice. I wonder how wearable it is going to be. I mean it doesn't look that 'adjustible'.
It's not supposed to be adjustable, it's supposed to be accurate :)
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Looks very nice. I wonder how wearable it is going to be. I mean it doesn't look that 'adjustible'.

Totally wearable if you wish. Lots of room for a hardhat liner or foam blocks to fit your melon. Mine's just for display tho...
Totally wearable if you wish. Lots of room for a hardhat liner or foam blocks to fit your melon. Mine's just for display tho...

Do you have any side shots?

It looks really nice, but a tad small in comparison to the helmet next to the screen shots I have.

A couple of good pics of what I mean in this thread.


The snow commander was always one of my favorite designs, and Im a nitpicker so dont take it wrong. Im just wondering if its the kinda thing where it looks smaller because not on someones head etc.

And wonder how far the face protrudes forward like the one in the pics.

Anyway, deffinately the best yet. Im just wondering if its "perfect".
Do you have any side shots?

It looks really nice, but a tad small in comparison to the helmet next to the screen shots I have.

A couple of good pics of what I mean in this thread.


The snow commander was always one of my favorite designs, and Im a nitpicker so dont take it wrong. Im just wondering if its the kinda thing where it looks smaller because not on someones head etc.

And wonder how far the face protrudes forward like the one in the pics.

Anyway, deffinately the best yet. Im just wondering if its "perfect".

There you go, JJ beat me to it.

It is a pretty big helmet...unfortunately, my atrocious photography skills don't quite convey it. Next to one of my Vader lids, it's quite large.

I did see that in the screen caps there are aluminum/metal? greeblies on the side of each helmet flap. Anyone with close ups of those?
There you go, JJ beat me to it.

It is a pretty big helmet...unfortunately, my atrocious photography skills don't quite convey it. Next to one of my Vader lids, it's quite large.

I did see that in the screen caps there are aluminum/metal? greeblies on the side of each helmet flap. Anyone with close ups of those?

Ok thats the BEES KNEES BOY!!!


JJ you know Ill always be a nitpicking skeptic, while at the same time can admit when Im wrong...

I was wrong! :p

Since I didn't want to start a new thread, I'll add a pic of the helmet in here. Great helmet, I put it on and you have to bend down to see whats below you. Will make for an interesting trooping experience for those who are Snow Commanders.

Nice....I've since received a set of SC alu ear greeblies (thanks Ken)...I'll get those on ASAP and take some more pix.
Nice....I've since received a set of SC alu ear greeblies (thanks Ken)...I'll get those on ASAP and take some more pix.

....installed the ear greeblies...

....just used a 1/8" rivet. May switch it out later as the greeblie is raised a bit from the surface of the ear flap.....otherwise, I like it.